Falling apart

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George ran to the alley way and watched the boys. "what happened?!" He ran over and pulled Jordan up. "Aron is fucking drunk and just beat the hell out of us.." Jordan looked at the bruises on his arm and panicked slightly "wait where's Mattie?!!" George looked around and pointed to a pile of boxes. "check there" Jorel  went over to the boxes and Sighed . "he's here Jordan don't worry!"  Jordan smiled and walked over to Jorel. "is he ok?" Jorel looked at Matt and bit his lip. "he's got loads of bruises and he passed out but one thing..how'd he end up here?" Jorel asked "he must of walked over after he got hurt and just passed out. that's the only reason I can think off" 

George looked at the guys and then at the alley way. "uhm where's Aron?" Jorel froze and looked at the alley. "I think he ran off..." Jordan nodded "wait.. George take matt back to Dylan's and sort him out. me and Jorel will see if anyone's seen Aron. "George nodded and walked over to matt, picking him up and taking him to the car. "we'll text you if we find Aron!" Jorel shouted before running off. Jordan nodded and ran off in the other direction. They needed to find Aron quickly. 


Dylan woke up and blushed when he saw Georges jacket on him. "wait.. George?" He picked his phone up and looked at his messages opening Georges contact.

Dyl: George where are you?

 George: Oh I got a message from the guys saying they found Aron but he beat them up and matt passed out.

Dyl: Oh my god! is matt ok? are the others ok??!

George: Yes he's fine and Jordan and Jorel went to find Aron.  I was supposed to bring matt to the car but ive had to stop..

Dyl: why?

George: you're texting me... 

Dyl: oh right... sorry bring him over ...how bad is he?

George: pretty bad. look ill see you in a few minutes.

Dyl: ok..

Dylan put his phone down and got into the drivers seat slipping Georges jacket back on and smiled. ten minutes had passed when George finally got to the car. " Dylan got out and opened  the door so they could lay matt down. "did you get a good sleep?" Dylan nodded "I feel better actually." George nodded and didn't hear Dylan mumble "maybe it was because of your jacket.." "what was that dyl?" "N-Nothing!" 

(theres gonna be like a part two to this... so enjoy~) 

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