New songs

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"so now we've got Danny in the band I think we should create a whole new bunch off songs." Matt said putting his drink down. Jordan nodded and looked at George. "what should we do?" George thought for a second. "we'll have to ask danny. I understand why we need to write new songs cause Aron is a salty little shit who will claim like a copyright thing on the songs we already have." Dylan stopped stirring his milkshake with his straw and looked up. "I cant believe it. two performances and he betrayed us. prick..." Dylan looked at Jordan who was already writing some lyrics down. "what about this?" Jordan Put the paper down and started singing what could be a possible song for them. 

"As I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I wear my crown of thorns and pull the knife out my chest I keep searching for something that I never seem to find But maybe I won't, because I left it all behind"

"that could be Jorels part." Matt smiled and grabbed the sheet adding a few more lines. "want me to send a picture of this to Jorel?" Jordan nodded and put the paper on the table as matt got his phone out.  "am I the only one who actually thinks danny is better than Aron?" Matt asked taking the picture. Jordan nodded. "Jorels got a keeper there" Dylan smiled. "ive just thought of something matt. each of the strongest boys in our band have fallen for the cuties of the band" Matt laughed and layed against Jordan. "so im guessing that means you guys and danny are our bottom bitches?" Dylan and matt  both nodded. 

"yup! were the bottom bitches!" Dylan took his drink and smiled. "I wonder how danny and jorels date is going?"


"so Danny how does it feel to not only be my boyfriend but a lead singer of what is obvislouly the best band in school?" Danny started laughing leaving Jorel confused. "what's so funny sexy?" Danny blushed but smirked. "you realise I would of beaten you in the battle" now it was Jorels turn to laugh. "says the boy who just got kicked out of the battle." Danny pouted. "I didn't want to lose did I?" Jorel sighed and pulled danny closer. "its ok baby. you're technically in the competition still now lets go have our date~"

Danny nodded  and looked at his feet. "what ya thinking  about cutie?" danny shrugged. "just wondered why you fell in love with me" Jorel sighed. "there's too many reasons that made me fall in love with you" Danny looked up and had tears in his eyes. "name at least three and dont say its because im cute... give me actual reasons" Jorel stopped walking and pulled Danny closer. "well one reason is cause you have an amazing singing voice. you are feisty and.. I have to say it. I fell in love with you because you complete me.. its like there was a missing part of me and you completed it. I dont want you out of my life." Danny went red and hugged Jorel. "o-ok" 

Jorel smiled and nearly screamed when his phone went off. "shit that scared me" Danny laughed and peeked over jorels shoulder trying to read the message. "who's it from?" "matt. its a picture off a song Jordan thought we could do." danny tilted his head. "why are you writing new songs? I could just learn the lyrics to the ones already written.." "what and have Aron attack you? no thank you" Danny smiled and grabbed Jorels phone. "hey! give that back!" Danny smirked and quickly messaged matt.

Jorel: hey matt!

Matt: uhm hi?

Jorel: silly! its me danny!

Matt: say what?

Jorel: I stole jays phone! I like the new lyrics but can I ask a you do to something for me? 

Matt: uhm sure danny

Jorel: Thanks! now I wanna stay with Jorel..  on our own for reasons can you see what hotels may be free?

Matt: uhm.. sure.. just if you do anything stupid dont tell us about it... and delete these messages... please

Jorel: ok!

danny quickly deleted the messaged and put Jorels phone in his pocket. "what are you doing?" "nothing! now can we go on our date?" "Yes!"


"Well that was weird... Danny stole Jorels phone and asked what hotels him and jay could stay at..." Matt said Putting his phone back on the table. "wait they aren't gonna do the nasty tonight are they?!" Dylan said. "well If they do its gonna be a big surprise to Jorel" Jordan smirked. "they might get caught unlike we did~" Matt went bright red and covered his face. "you didn't?" George looked at Jordan who nodded. "yep remember when you guys went to scope out the competition?" The boys nodded and let Jordan continue. "me and matt 'went to get food'" George looked at matt. "so you had sex on the school grounds?" Jordan nodded and a small fuck could be heard. "yeah yeah I'll fuck you later babe" Dylan put his drink down. "im not so thirsty anymore... but one question... did you do it in a classroom?" Jordan nodded. "yup the one we were practicing in. "I KNEW IT SMELT FUNNY IN THERE!" 

"why do I put up with you Jordan?" 

"oh shut up you love me~" 

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