Getting Started *

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"So where is Dylan? you find out George?" Jordan asked throwing his bag on the bench they normally sat around before school. "yeah I messaged him he's not feeling well." George sighed sitting down. "did he say what's wrong with him exactly?" George shook his head and looked down running a hand through his hair. "nope"  Aron threw his head back and groaned. "great now we cant get some early practice in!" George looked at Aron and crossed his arms. "We'll Dyl can't really help if he's ill can he? its not his fault" 

Jorel nodded and stepped in. "we can still practice on the music though not just the lyrics." Aron rolled his eyes. "fine! I do actually have some new lyrics we can look at if ya want?" Aron went to pull out his notepad when the bell went off. "YOU'VE GOTTA BE KIDDING?!" Jordan shouts checking his phone. "There making us go in 20 minutes early!" Matt put his drink down. "we could just bunk first lesson?" Everybody faced Matt sharing the same look. "who are you and what did you do with our matt? he never bunks first lesson." Matt laughed and leaned back. "c'mon we can take a look at the lyrics and then after school we can go to Dylan's" 

George nodded and took Aron's note pad flipping past old lyrics. "is this the one you we're talking about?" Aron nodded and grabbed his bag. "c'mon we need to hide though the teachers will start looking for us!" The boys all grabbed their stuff and ran to the one place they always hid out while bunking. luckily for them it was close to the main entrance so they could jump the gate if needed.


"hey what's the time?" Matt asked reaching for Jordan's phone. "hey use yo-" "my phones being fixed remember? and holy shit we've missed three lessons!" Matt put the phone down and went back to writing. "What we gonna tell our parents?" "hmm... well aren't all our parents working till late?" Aron asked spinning his pen in-between his fingers. George nodded. "yup we all get back before them why?" "well how about if they got a phone call from school we just lie saying we went home before school started cause we didn't feel well and they weren't  there?" 

"you've been bunking?" All the boys froze and turned around half expecting a teacher but smiling when it was jeff. "yeah wanna join? where you been anyways?" Jeff considered for a moment before throwing his bag onto the pile. "and yeah I was at the hospital getting this checked again." he pointed to his arm which was in a cast. "oh yeah see I think most of us forgot you had that. burned it didn't you at that party?" Jeff nodded and sat down. "Oh by the way I checked the posters. we've only got two and a half months to practice till auditions."

"what?!" Aron shot up and started pacing. "shit what can we do?!" Jordan smiled and stood up. "Dylan! his parents would let us stay! he's got a recording studio as well so we can practice as much as we want. and aren't students who are taking part allowed to skip lessons?!" 

"yes! ill message dyl let him know and then we can continue!" George grabbed his phone and started typing. "there! tonight we're all gonna go to dyls." "wait what about telling our parents about the bunking crisis?" George smirked. "I have all our moms contacts remember? I literally just sent them a message!" Aron smiled and Hugged George. "You're bloody brilliant!" 

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