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"Hey you two.. We need to get going." Jordan said appearing in Dylan's bedroom. "School starts in ten minutes." George looked up and nodded. "yeah ok we'll be down in a few seconds." Jordan nodded and disappeared going to Jorel's car. "I really dont want to go George.. James has probably put those pictures up everywhere now..." Dylan looked down and hugged his knees. "I should of never got involved with my teacher..." 

George stood up and pulled Dylan up brushing some hair out his eyes. "hey its ok. that teacher left two weeks ago anyway so it wont be that embarrassing." Dylan smiled slightly and hugged George. "I-if you say so." George hugged back and looked at his phone. "we should get going. Jorels getting pissy." George showed Dylan the message and Dylan started laughing. "there! there's the smile I need to see!"

Dylan blushed and ran downstairs. "where's George?" Matt asked leaning back. "oh uhm he's just upstairs." Matt stared at Dylan and noticed his red face. "aww Did George make you blush?" Dylan growled and punched matt in the shoulder. "Jordan is probably the exact same!" Matt looked out the car window and Danny started laughing. "oh hey Dyl how's your wrist's?" Dylan smiled and looked at the fading rope marks. "they're getting better..." Danny nodded and went back to his phone. "finally George what took you so long?" Jorel looked at the older boy who shrugged. "ehh c'mon lets go." 


"I've finished sticking up those pictures Aron." James said walking over to the table and sitting next to Arina. "good. Cant wait to see the look on Dylan's face." Arina looked up from her work and sighed. "Aron the whole reason  they were able to rescue Dylan was because you sent George pictures they obvislouly knew about the warehouse and probably recognised something in the background." Aron stared at his sister and she went back to writing random lyrics."Arina's kinda got a point." Vardan said standing up. "look we better go we've got to go practice" 

James and Arina stood up and followed Vardan to one of the music rooms leaving Aron alone. "sometimes I wonder why I made a band with these guys." He muttered before getting up and walking to the music room. He stopped by the car park and saw the boys getting out of Jorels car. "heh.., let the games begin." 

"HEY FAGGOT! GO CHECK THE HALLS!! THERES PICTURES EVERYWHERE!" Dylan looked up at Aron and flipped him off. during the drive to school all the boys had a talk. Dylan shouldn't be ashamed. it was a stupid mistake he wouldn't do it again so what's the point of being upset. "I COULDNT CARE LESS ARON! THE FACT THAT YOU'RE TRYING TO RUIN MY LIFE BY POSTING THESE PICTURES JUST SHOWS HOW PATHETIC YOU ARE!" 

Jorel stared at Dylan before laughing and looking at Aron. "SEE ARON YOU CANT BREAK THIS ONES SPIRITS! AND I DOUBT ANYONES GONNA BELEIVE YOU AFTER ALL THE OTHER STUNTS YOU'VE PLAYED!" Aron growled and ran off. "BABY!" Jordan shouted grabbing Matt's hand. "c'mon lets go!" The guys all ran off and couldn't help but laugh Aron was being stupid. 

"Danny." Danny turned around and smiled. "Kris!"Danny hugged the other boy and noticed all the paper in his bag. "what's that?" Kris looked at his bag and smiled. "I saw that James put all these up on the walls of the school and I started taking them all down. he thinks there still up" Danny laughed and took the papers. "me and the guys will burn these later. thanks Kris." "no problem. now go and win that battle." Danny laughed and walked off. "I will try my best!" Danny caught up with the guys and showed the pictures. "thank my amazing mate Kris. we can burn these tonight. now lets practice." Dylan smiled and looked at Danny. "next time you see Kris thank him for me." "will do" 


"Ok last performance and Then we'll be deciding the winners." A student said looking at the bands. " Hollywood Undead will be first then its 9Lives" Danny looked at the guys and crossed his fingers. They needed to win. Aron was just being a dick. "danny baby are you ok?" Jorel sat next to the blonde and grabbed his hand. "yeah im just really nervous.." Jorel smiled and the student came back on looking at the guys. "ok on you go!" 

"FAGGOT!" Dylan looked at Aron and sighed. "calling us faggots doesn't make yourself look any better"  Dylan smirked and walked onto the stage looking at George. "you ok?" Dylan nodded and looked at Danny. 

"I can't believe That when I breathe There's something good inside of me Just one good thing inside of me So close to me That memory Of that one good thing inside of me one good thing inside of me"

Danny looked around and spotted Kris, Justin and Kevin. They all smiled and Kevin decided to keep an eye on Aron and the rest of 9Lives. "Hey Kris. I'll be back in a moment." Kris nodded and Kevin walked off towards the back. "you guys are up to something I can tell." 

"Don't you know, little boy, they'll lay you to waste man Little do they know every song is a life span Never taken one, but I'm taking my last chance To hold all we know and let go with both hands Oh don't you know that clouds are made from concrete?"

Dylan smiled and watched George starting to day dream. "Dyl!" Matt looked at Jorel and pointed to Dylan, trying not to fuck up. Jorel looked at Dylan and walked over nudging him and sighing. "idiot. you can dream about George later" Dylan went red and bit his lip. "sorry" "its ok!"

"So close to me That memory Of that one good thing inside of meJust one good thing inside of me" 

Kris smiled and started singing along with everyone else. Danny smiled and stood back slightly. "oh my god!" Justin squealed. "he's such an awesome singer!" "yep. they better win" Justin started dancing along and they completely forgot about Kevin

"That scars will heal but were meant to bleed Do you realize I would lie for you? Please have my last breath, I would die for you I know I'm no good but my heart beats true You know I'm gonna fight, though I might be scared to lose"

Kevin leaned against the wall and started listening to Aron and the others. "You know you mentioned Jordan wanting to propose or something Arina?" "hmm yeah what about it?" Aron smirked and Reached into his bag pulling out a gun. "I have an idea.... We'll let them get big and then one day if they're on stage im going to shoot them." Arina sighed "why not do it now?" "uhm teachers!" Kevin gasped and ran off towards Justin and Kris. "oh god."

"Of that one good thing inside of me Just one good thing inside of me, yeah"

"what's wrong Kevin?"  Justin looked at the other boy. "I need to talk to Danny like now!" Kris pointed to the stage. "they just finished.. you should be able to see them." Kevin smiled and ran off to find  Danny, before a hand grabbed his arm. "if you even fucking think about telling danny I'll kill you right here." Aron whispered bringing a knife to Kevin's throat. "ah fuck. ok I wont say anything!"  Aron smirked and walked away. "asshole"


"ok everybody settle down!" The principal shouted getting the students attention.  "its the moment you've been waiting for. The winners of the battle of the bands!" Kris closed his eyes and prayed that Danny would win. 


"YES!" Jordan looked at Matt and hugged him before they all walked on stage. "well done boys!" Danny smiled and looked at Jorel. "maybe the founder of the band should say a couple of things?" Jorel sighed and took the mic looking at the students. "ahh fuck im terrible at speaking to large crowds. singing is ok but talking hell no." A few students laughed and Jorel continued. " well... there's a lot of students here who helped us.. and we love you guys for that. there's been a few fights and stuff but we pulled through. so thanks guys" He handed the mic back and the principal smiled. 

"well you still, have one performance left.. tomorrow  afterschool The boys if they want to. will perform in front of everyone. including students who didn't stay to watch the battle so its not quite over. now. im sure you guys want to go home so grab your stuff and go! unless you wanna talk to the boys!" 

Kris smiled and got on the stage hugging danny. "im so proud of you danny. now im pretty sure there's something you guys still need to do!" he stood back and laughed at how confused danny looked. "so your not gonna kiss your boyfriend!?" Danny blushed and looked away. "fuck off Kris."

"im kidding now you guys are coming with me to the bar. all drinks on me!" 

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