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"that's if you make it past your next birthday"

Jorel turned around and stood up when he saw Aron. "Fuck of Aron." Aron smirked and walked closer towards Danny. "so cute isn't he? Can see why you took a liking to him." Jorel pulled danny to his side and growled. "fuck of Erlichman!" Danny hid behind Jorel and watched George and Jordan stand up. Matt looked at Dylan before grabbing Danny and running out the back of the restaurant.

"Dyl! c'mon!" Dylan ran after them and they all ran to his house. "why cant we have a normal time out with out bumping into him." Dylan whined as he unlocked his front door. "oh hey mom." His mom looked up and smiled before frowning when she saw how scared Danny was. "What's happened?" Matt took Danny upstairs and Dylan sighed shutting the door, walking to the stairs. "Aron happened mom."


"Why do you have to keep ruining our lives Aron. we kicked you out of the band. we aren't your friend's anymore so just piss off." Jordan said glaring. "oh i know that Jordan. i mean i already ruined your lives i just want to ruin Danny's... i wonder how long it would take him to break?" Jorel growled and punched Aron before walking out the shop and shouting. "YOU STAY AWAY FROM MY DANNY YOU BASTARD! YOUR NOT TAKING HIM FROM ME!"

George looked and Jordan before smirking and following Jorel. "Jay.. That was.. just amazing." Jorel smiled and stopped by a shop. "hey... I'll see you guys at Dylan's.." He grabbed his wallet and walked into the shop leaving George and Jordan outside. "uh ok then?" Jordan started walking and singing one of there songs dancing slightly.

"Pick myself up in my Mitsubishi Said 'What's up? It's nice to meet me' Never met someone so damn freaky Who, at the same time, is such a sweetie"

George started laughing before stopping and looking at the shop Jorel went into. "Jordan..." "So I'mma go out and do some thrashing Show everybody what the fuck is cracking 'Cause this motherfucker can do some damage" Jordan was in his own little world and probably didn't want to be disturbed. "ok I guess we're just going to ignore the fact that Jorel walked into a flower shop?!" Jordan stopped and turned around looking at George. "he does know that valentines was like ages ago right?"

"yeah... unless he just wants to give Danny some flowers" Jordan squealed and they decided to wait for Jorel. "he's probably gonna take forever to chose some flowers. wait does he know what Danny's favourite flowers are?" George sighed and looked at Jordan. "think about his middle name.." "wait rose? oh... roses.." (yeah probably not true it eh.. but neither's the next part) George nodded and looked up. "what's Matts favourite flowers?" Jordan smirked. "its actually rose's as well.."

"you guys actually waited?" George looked at Jorel and nodded. "yeah. well we weren't gonna wait until I realised what shop you were going into. well? did you get him some flowers?" Jorel nodded. "yep. but ive got a plan. so keep quiet." "wait... you aint gonna propose are you?!" Jorel shook his head but looked away and mumbled. "I want to though..."

"what was that?" "nothing.." Jordan shrugged and walked towards Dylan's house. "so what's the plan?" George asked looking at Jorel. "you'll see" George sighed knowing he wouldn't get very far. "hey Mrs Alvarez." Dylan's mom looked up and smiled. "hey boys." They all smiled and walked upstairs and walked into Dylan's room. "hey baby." Jorel walked over to danny and hugged him. "you ok?" Danny nodded and stood up. "maybe we should actually go practice? it should take our minds of what just happened. and we do have the next performance Monday." George nodded and stood up. "Danny dont worry about Aron by the way. at this rate he'll end up in prison." "yeah.. I cant let him get to me!"


"Jorel?" Mrs Alvarez opened the door to the room Jorel and Danny where in. "yes Mrs Alvarez?" Jorel walked over and looked up. "there's someone at the door for you. its pretty late but I didn't send them away so they're downstairs." Jorel thanked Mrs Alvarez before walking downstairs. "oh! your the lady from the flower shop! I completely forgot!" The lady smiled and handed Jorel the flowers. "its ok. if its for someone special then I will help no matter what." the lady smiled and walked off,

Jorel walked upstairs and placed the flowers next to danny. "baby~ wake up." Danny yawned and opened his eyes. "Jorel? why are there flowers on th-" "they're for you silly." Danny went red and hugged Jorel. "t-thanks.." I-I love you jay.."

"love you to little lion"

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