3rd Quarter Quell (pt1)

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District 12

"And for our male tribute," Effie began, her voice slightly quivering. Her hand swirled the bowl, trying to grab one of two names. One of those names would fulfill Katniss's wish.

The other one was desperately trying to save her.

A single tear slipped from her gray eyes and trailed down her cheek. She didn't see the need to wipe it. It was a miracle she had held it together this long anyways. But all she could hope for right at this moment was that he would be safe. That the boy with the bread would be guaranteed his ride home.

Effie let out a shaking sigh, trying to get the name out. "Peeta Mellark."

Katniss quickly turned to watch Haymitch.

They had a deal.

"I volunteer as tribute." Haymitch spoke up, trying to push past Peeta. But Peeta was stronger. His hand gripped Haymitch's wrist, his bright blue eyes meet the dangerous gray ones.

"No." Peeta argued, stepping into the way.

"Let me go." Haymitch grumbled under his breath. But neither one would lose eye contact.

"No. No. We had a deal." Peeta pleaded. It was almost as if they had forgotten the cameras, the crowds that were all taking in the moment. No one really thought anyone could become acquaintances with the drunk mentor.

"Peeta, please," He mumbled, shaking his head at the boy. "Stop fighting this."

"No. This isn't right. Think about it. I don't know the first thing about mentoring. Why can't I protect Katniss in the Games and you try to save her from the Capital?" He begged, trying to knock some sense into the drunk.

But it was pointless.

He was so stubborn.

Haymitch pushed past, standing beside Effie, his head held high. Effie cleared her throat, unable to handle the news like the rest of them. "Wonderful." She grinned, trying to keep enthusiastic for the cameras.

Only, her smile was skin deep.

Katniss felt the wind blow against her cheeks. She took one last smell of the air, accepting she be coming back home in an oak box if President Snow has anything to do with it.

Her gray eyes landed on Gale's, trying to memorize him for the last time. Then they landed on Prim's blue ones. Prim. All Katniss could hope for was that life for Prim would be easy. That her mother wouldn't leave her again.

Peeta ground his teeth together, trying to keep from crying in anger. Haymitch had betrayed him. He promised Peeta they would do everything they could to protect Katniss. How can Peeta do that from the Capital?


The train ride there was nearly silent. The tension was thick. Feelings were hurt and emotions were high. In fear of upsetting someone more, they all chose not to speak. It was safer that way.

Only, it seemed that Effie didn't get the hint.

She entered the room, a sad smile on her face. "Isn't this a terrible way to meet again?" She asked, her blue eyes scanning the group in front of her.

No one spoke.

"Well. I think it is," she continued, taking her place beside Katniss. "None of you deserve to go through this again. Especially you, Katniss." She said, placing her hand on Katniss's shoulder.

For some strange reason, Effie's words slightly comforted Katniss. Maybe it was the fact that Effie was finally realizing that the Games were bad. Or maybe it was because if a Capital born person could hate the Games, a rebellion might be possible.

"I'm glad you'll be safe, Peeta," Effie smiled, holding her hand out to him. "You and Katniss can both survive now. And live a nice, happy life together after your grand wedding."

Peeta softly smiled, knowing she was trying her best to keep their hopes and spirits high. Effie never really liked the look of gloom and sadness. He reached out, grabbing her hand.

Katniss narrowed her eyes, staring at the wall ahead of her. Once her name was drawn, she had completely thrown in the towel, knowing Snow would find the cruelest way to get her killed. But maybe she still had a chance. Of course, it relied fully on the Capital. They surely wanted to see her and Peeta married.

Of course, she wasn't completely sure if she wanted to marry Peeta. It was a design made by the Capital, but then again, would her marriage to Gale be out of love or spite? That was a different headache that she didn't want to start again.

Maybe if she and Peeta were able to sell the marriage card, she could come home. She could come back to Prim, the one person she knew with all her heart she loved. She wanted to come home to the blonde sister, but had shut down the dream days ago. Now, she had a chance. A chance that could work. After all, it worked the first time. Two victors survived. She was only hoping for one this time.


Katniss and Effie had retired to their bedrooms, leaving Haymitch and Peeta alone. They sat in silence, studying the other. "Ask me what you want, boy." Haymitch spoke, ending the suffering silence.

"Why did you do it?" Peeta asked, his voice slightly cracking from not being used in hours.

"Me and Katniss made a deal. If your name was drawn, I was to take your place." He explained, rubbing his gray eyes. He was tired, mostly from being deprived of alcohol and going into rehab.

"But we made the deal that I was to protect her. Why did you break mine?" Peeta questioned, furrowing his blue eyes at Haymitch. Haymitch let out a sigh, running his fingers through his dark locks.

"I was hoping to save you both."

This took back Peeta. "Save us both?"

"With you safe in Capital, I can risk my life in the Games," he began. "I'm technically not breaking your promise. You are still protecting her in the Capital as I will in the Games. Only, I'm not afraid to die for her."

"Neither am I."

"Trust me, I know you aren't," Haymitch slightly chuckled. "But, there's no way Snow will let two people exit that arena again. This way, we can guarantee Katniss will be the one."



They shook hands, their eyes locking. There were no hard feelings anymore. Now they could both concentrate on saving Katniss. Peeta gave a soft smile then stood up. "Well, I'm going to bed. Night, Haymitch."

"Night, boy." Haymitch replied. He watched Peeta enter Katniss's room, feeling of calmness washing over him. This was how it should happen. Both of them safe. Only, Haymitch knew that if Snow has anything to do with the Games, he was going to be sure to only have one victor alive from District 12 and that would be Peeta.


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