Young Love

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Requested by: @AceGeneralissimo

Modern Time


It was a Saturday night and, like usual, I wasn't busy. There were no parties I was invited to or friends I had that were in even town. Just like I liked it, the house was peaceful; it was just Prim and me.

I was quietly sitting in the living room, watching a rerun of one my favorite movies. The whole day had consisted of lounging around, keeping ourselves entertained with movies and scrolling through our phones.

I glanced over at my baby sister, her blue eyes attached to her phone. Her petite fingers quickly typed on the screen, a smile present on her face. "Who are you texting?" I asked, making her jump.

"Oh, it's no one. Just a friend." Prim brushed off, shrugging her shoulder.

I've known Prim her whole life. I know when she's lying. She tries to change the subject and keep the attention off of her.

But instead of pestering her for answers, I left her alone.

Who knows? Maybe it really was just a friend. Prim really had no reason to lie to me unless she just wanted to keep something to herself. Which, I totally understand because it seems like everyone knows everything about me before I know myself.

"So, what do you want for supper?" I asked, trying to change the subject. I wasn't even hungry since all I did today was eat junk food.

She stretched, turning off her phone. "I'm feeling pizza."

"Delivery?" I asked, smiling.

She scoffed, rolling her gorgeous eyes. "Is there any other way?"

So Prim and I ordered a large pizza to share. Even though we tried as hard as we could, we couldn't finish the pizza. I placed the leftovers in the fridge as she cleaned up our mess. As much as we felt like doing nothing, we hated leaving the place dirty for Mom.

After we finished, I plopped onto the couch, tossing my blanket over me again. If I could chose my favorite spot in this whole house, it would be this spot on our worn couch. Before I had time to offer, Prim laid down in front of me, cuddling Buttercup.

I smiled, tossing the blanket over the three of us. We snuggled together, warmth quickly spreading throughout our bodies. I was actually beginning to sweat, but I wasn't going to complain. I loved spreading time like this with Prim...even if it meant dealing with that snarly cat.


For the next week, Prim had been attached to her cellphone. In fact, she had gone over her share of gigabytes, which was a first. Usually, Prim was pretty good at staying under her limit. This time, it was crazy high.

I had to talk to someone about this.

I wanted to talk to Madge about it, but she was out of town the entire week. Her father, the mayor, had to meet with other city officials about government stuff that completely went over my head. I just knew she wouldn't be back until some time next week, hopefully.

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