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I jumped awake, my arms reaching out for her.

Where was Katniss?

Where was I?

I woke up surrounded by pillows and blankets whiter than snow, softer than clouds. I sat up, running my fingers through my blonde hair, my eyes scanning a room I had never seen before.

I ran through my last thoughts, trying to process how or why I was here. The only thing I could remember was the arena. The last scene I remembered was Finnick, Johanna, and Beetee separating Katniss from me. I remembered her lips on mine before hell broke loose.

I heard her scream out in pain, causing me to freeze in my tracks. Johanna and Katniss were supposed to be getting the wire into the salt water to electrocute the beach and anyone near the wet sand.

Before I could think, my feet took off. "Katniss!" I shouted, calling out to her. Everyone began scrambling in the dark. Fear grew thick in the hot, muggy air. The clicks of the beetles were dying down, signaling it was almost midnight. I had no idea who was who. Trees and branches cut my arms and legs as I sprinted to where I thought her screams came from.

Suddenly, my prosthetic leg caught on a vine and I tumbled to the ground. I let out a groan as my body smashed into the hard dirt. But all I could think of was her and what could be happening to her at the moment. She couldn't die.

A bright flash in the sky illuminated the scene around me, showing two shadows standing near me. I scrambled to my feet, no idea who I was currently up against. I had to stay alive so I could protect Katniss.

I watched as one of the shadow jabbed at the other. I instantly recognized the scream as Chaff's. Suddenly, a cannon boomed, signaling that Haymitch's best friend was just murdered in front of me.

I don't know what went though my head.

I always told myself I wouldn't kill anyone unless they threatened Katniss, but I charged at Brutus. I felt a burning in my chest for this tribute, wanting to avenge Chaff. I had to make things right for Haymitch.

We struggled, me trying to pin Brutus to the ground and him trying to kick me off. Somehow in the fight, I had killed him. For some unknown reason that my mind can't connect, I managed to overpower him in that dark, sticky arena.

Another cannon boomed and I knew it was Brutus. I stood up, feeling his hot, thick blood on my hands. Almost instantly, I felt the need to throw up. But her voice startled me. "Peeta!" She cried out.

"Katniss!" I shouted,back, running towards her. I had to reach her. She had to know I was okay, that none of the cannons were for my death. "Katniss!"

Someone was near me.

I could hear them panting and smacking at the leaves in front of them. Everyone in this arena was now my enemy. Everyone except Katniss. I couldn't trust any of the others now that we were thrown into this chaotic brawl.

The alliance was officially over.

"Peeta! I'm here! I'm here!" She called louder. I picked up my pace, trying to keep with the enemy racing me, but I was too slow. Speed had never been my specialty, but ever since I lost my leg I mainly relied on my strength and wit. "I'm here! I'm here!"

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