The Hanging Tree

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Mr. Everdeen

I strolled my way towards the shops in District 12. It had been a long day working in the mines, but I promised my daughters something sweet for supper tonight. And I couldn't let them down. Katniss with her love of singing and my sweet, blue eyed Primrose. Those girls met the world to me.

As I glanced in store windows, a tune worked it's way into my head, getting stuck in there. I casually began humming it, unable to stop myself. This song wasn't supposed to be sung in public, especially around Peacekeepers. This was a rebellious song in this horrible life we lived.

I almost let the words slip from my lips as a Peacekeeper marched towards me. I must have been standing outside this store for too long. I was covered in coal dust and was clearly from the Seam. He must figure I'm planning a way to steal the items in the store window.

"Just glancin'." I stated, beginning to walk away. I was unable to see his eyes, but I could tell he wasn't trusting me. A few feet behind, he trailed me. I could hear his stomps.

I glanced behind me and all I could hear was that song.

I began to whistle, trying to ignore his stare. Eventually, I came to the store I had originally planned on buying from. The bell above the door rang as I entered. I watched out the window over my shoulder, seeing the Peacekeeper walk past.

I grinned, still whistling my tune.

"Ah, good evening, Mr. Everdeen." A voice spoke up as he appeared from around the corner.

"Good evening to you, too, Mr. Mellark. How has business been?" I asked, resting my hands on the counter.

The blonde haired man smiled, wiping his hands in his apron. "Oh, not too bad. The cold weather has brought in more customers than usual. How about the mines?"

"Pay has increased enough for me to buy my girls some bread. Give me the best loaf you've got." I smiled. Mr. Mellark chuckled, heading out of the room.

I tapped my fingers on the counter, looking around. Unconsciously, I began to whistle the tune again. This rundown bakery has been through its share of harsh winters and hot summers. For as long as I've known, this building has been passed down the Mellark family for generations.

Suddenly, I began singing the words that have been desperately dancing in my tongue.

"Are you, are you
Coming to the tree
Where the dead man called out for his love to flee.
Strange things did happen here
No stranger would it be
If we met up at midnight in the hanging tree."

"Are you, are you
Coming to the tree
Where I told you to run, so we'd both be free.
Strange things did happen here
No stranger would it be
If we met up at midnight in the hanging tree."

"Are you, are you
Coming to the tree
Wear a necklace of rope, side by side with me.
Strange things did happen here
No stranger would it be
If we met up at midnight in the hanging tree."

Out of the corner of my eyes, I spotted a head of curly, blonde hair. I looked at the corner, seeing a pair of bright blue eyes staring at me. He couldn't have been much older than Katniss. His fingers gripped the wooden doorway as he peeked his head around to see me.

"Hi," I softly greeted, smiling at him.

But he didn't respond. All he did was stare at me, his eyes hardly blinking.

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