65th Hunger Games (pt 3)

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"I thought the interviews went well," Effie argued, sitting down on one of the couches. "They were very sweet."

Haymitch huffed, tossing his hands into the air. "They were just like everyone else! There was nothing for me to work with!" He nearly shouted, pacing around the room. "They weren't memorable at all! They'll be lucky if they even get one sponsor!"

"Haymitch!" Effie scolded. "They are trying to sleep. They need all the rest they can get before their big day."

"For the last time, Effie, they aren't sleeping. They're just laying back there wishing sleep would wash over them." He spat. Surprisingly, Haymitch had been off his alcohol for a few days in hopes of being sober enough to help them.

"Still, you don't need to shout," She fired back, tightening her jaw as she stirred her coffee. "They don't need to hear how bad you think they did."

"Well, they should. Maybe they'll realize that they're completely on their own from the acts they put on tonight." He growled, parting his long waves and brushing them behind his ears.

"It's not their fault they're against a boy who volunteered for his younger brother and a girl whose looks are the prettiest I've ever seen." Effie sighed, now staring off into the distance.

Haymitch groaned, sitting down beside her. He closed his gray eyes and tossed his head back against the couch. "Why couldn't they just say something to gather attention to them? Talking about killing the others would have been better than what they did. Then they at least would have looked like killers."

"But they're not. Valerian is no where close to a killer," Effie corrected. "She talked about how much she loves school. If anything she sounded like a sweet and smart little girl."

"And Jacob didn't speak," Haymitch added. "He looked tough, but unapproachable. Not very good results in my book."

Effie sighed. "Well, all we can do is hope the odds are put into their favor." She softly spoke before bringing her coffee to her lips.


Immediately after the interviews done, Jacob rushed to Valerian's room. Quickly, she let him in, seeing the urgency in his gray eyes. They were alone with no one around. Haymitch was probably drunk somewhere or talking to Effie about something. "What's wrong?" Valerian asked.

"We need to make a plan." Jacob declared, shutting the door behind him. He couldn't risk having anyone hear their conversation.

"A plan? Plan for what? To run away?"

"No, no," he replied, shaking his head at her. "During the Games. We need to plan how to find each other."

Valerian slightly oohed, nodding her head. She furrowed her eyebrows, her brain quickly thinking of ideas. "Well, we don't know what the terrain will be, but we know that the Cornucopia will be there. It always is."

"So let's plan to meet somewhere near that. We don't want to meet too close to it because, knowing the Careers, they'll have it claimed." He added.

"We'll meet at midnight around the Cornucopia," Valerian declared, her blue eyes meeting his gray ones. "If we're lucky, the Careers will be asleep or out hunting."

"How will we know it's each other when it's that dark? Because if someone came up to meet in the dark, I would probably kill them right then and there." Jacob explained, brushing his dark locks from his forehead.

"We'll tap out a easy beat," she explained. She tapped her foot against the ground in a simple beat. "You can do it against the ground, a tree, a rock, anything really."

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