Chapter 2

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Fionna swung her sword around at random a bit scared of what may be holding her, she looked up a little nervously it was a weird monster, resembling a dragon of some sort, it had long sharp claws and teeth, and had a greenish skin tint. She swung her sword around some more trying to jab it in the chest where it was sure to die. It just hisses extremely aggitated by being cut by her sword so many times, it throws her to the ground and she let out a small scream barely audible.

PG saw this and was terrified, he needed to help her but how the hell would a scrawny boy such as Gumball be able to help Fionna from such a terryfing monster. He looks around aimlessly for someone to help, he was hoping Cake may have been around or... He thought for a moment then smiled brightly thinking of Marshall, he ran toward his house, "Marshall!!" He screamed this loudly.

Thankfully Marshall hadn't gotten too far, he spun on his heel raising an eyebrow at the frantic Gumball, "Sup Bubba?" He smirks and walks toward PG. "Fionna...." He was breathing heavily and could barely speak, "Trouble.." PG had never been so worried he had hoped that Fionna would be alright, no he knew she'd be alright. "Okay lead the way." Marshall said this seriously a worried expression on his face now as well, he was also worried about Fionna. PG started running back to the candy kingdom and Marshall followed close behind.

Fionna got up slowly, she was a bit shaky and off balance from the previous hit. The monster hisses and hits her across the face once again, Fionna falls over again "Glob.." She mutters this her voice hoarse from all the hits. Fionna looked pretty bad now, she had a black eye and her head was pounding, she had also somehow managed to loose a shoe. Marshall grew to his demonic monster form and held the monster back by his throat. Fionna had grown extremely weak and went unconsious, PG runs to Fionnas side picking her up and carrying her to the hospital area in the castle.

Marshall held the monster tight making sure he'd die, and soon after holding him by the throat tightly he fell down dead. He shrunk back down smiling softly, he was proud of himself that he saved Fionna from a near death situation, he just hoped she would be fine now. He walked inside the castle walking into the hospital area, he saw Fionna laid out on a hospital bed. She looked quite innocent and cute as she slept, he felt a slight blush drawn on his face. He shook his head in attempt to get the thought of how cute Fionna looked out of his head, besides he didn't like her that way, did he?

PG walks back into the hospital area and pokes Marshalls shoulder making him jump slightly, "Hey Marshall, I need to talk to Fionna in private about something... Would you mind leaving?" PG used his calmer voice not wanting to upset Marshall. Marshall felt a bit jealous but hid it well, "Uh, yeah.. Bye Bubba." He slowly turned away and walked to the door leaving slowly the thoughts of Fionna still lingering in his mind. PG walked to Fionnas side and smiled softly as her eyes flickerd open slowly, "Oh good Fionna you are all better." He smiled brightly.

Fionna looked up at PG, "Yeah, I'm fine..." She yawned quietly waiting for the awkward silence to break. "Listen Fionna, about what I needed to talk to you about..." He sighs looking extremely tense which was abnormal for PG. Fionna nodded raising an eyebrow a bit in confusion, "Yeah what is it?" He looked like he was thinking of what he had to say, "It's really a very important expiriment Fionna and I need your help to conduct it... Only problem is you might really hurt someone, and you cannot tell a single soul... You have to royal promise not to tell anyone."

((How do you like this chapter? ;p I am having some issues with weird ass sentences so my apologies if a bunch of this sounds like junk ;-; anyyways, please leave some tips ;3;))

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