Chapter 17

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Marshalls POV:

It started to grow dark outside and Cake and I both knew we had to go back inside no matter how much we wanted to continue to look for Fi. I open my door to my house and walk inside slowly, I'm so tired I fall asleep floating above my couch.

I keep having these reacurring nightmares that Fionna is getting hurt terribly or something like that. I continue waking up every 10 minutes tears in my eyes, it just gets harder and harder to sleep. I can't wait till morning...

Prince Gumballs POV:

It's morning and I wake up early in the morning around 6:00 am so, I can get ready and take care of some royal duties. Gosh I almost forgot about Fionna, that would have been bad... I yawn and stand up walking to my dresser, I grab my usual clothes and walk to the bathroom getting dressed.

Now it's about 7:30 and I'm all ready for my day, people usually say I take more time than a girl but, lets be honest I am a prince. If I look like some scum no one will take me seriously.

I walk off to my lab and open a secret door located behind some books and a small cupboard. I walk through making sure to shut the door tight behind me. It is pitch black down here and I pull out a small flashlight I usually keep in my pocket.

"Fionna!?" I call her name loudly in hopes I'll either run into her or she will hear me. I let out a soft and silent yawn and I scratch the back of my neck. It's so quiet down here I can hear my heart beat.

Finally I see a small limp body curled up in a ball, it looks extremely filthy and the body reeks of blood, "Shit!" I run over picking her up using all my strength. I never meant to hurt her this much, I should have thought this through. I reach the secret door and run through putting Fionna on the lab table.

I fumble through drawers and cupboards to find a potion that could help her out in the slightest bit. The only one I can find that might do something is a regeneration potion but I have never used it. I let out a frustrated sigh not knowing if it would have any side effects.

I put the potion into a syringe and stick the needle into Fionnas arm and pull the needle out. I sigh looking at her then realizing how much work I have left, I cant do anything about that. I walk out of the room making sure to leave a small note on the door to make sure she wouldn't get confused as to why she were here.

Fionnas POV:

My eyes flutter open and the world around me is a blur. I can't even tell where I am, I only know I'm not in that black hell hole of nothing. I let out a soft sigh as the world around me comes into focus and I instantly realize I'm in Gumballs lab.

I slowly sit up having a bit of trouble since I still feel quite a bit weak. I look at the door and see a note, my curiosity makes me stand and read the note. It reads;

"Dear Fionna,

I know you are probably quite confused right now, but trust me I am a bit confused too... Marshall was complaining about you missing and have up looking in a couple minutes! I was so worried I started looking right away, I found you in a dark place... I don't even know how I stumbled upon it, but thats beside the point. You are okay and that's all that matters...

-yours truly,

Prince Gumball"

I let out a frustrated sigh that Marshall have up so easily on finding me, maybe he doesn't like me that way after all. That's actually a bit relieving. The door opens and hits me in the face making me fall over with a wince.

"FIONNA?!" I am instantly hit with a huge hug, I know it's Marshall, "Glob I was looking all over for you..."

"Hey so was I!" I smile a bit hearing Cakes voice, she makes me feel calm in any situation.

"I'm dating Marshall." Wait, why the glob did I just say that? I didn't even want to tell Cake. Marshall pulls from the hug giving me a confused look, I know I'm probably carrying the same look.

((heres some DRAMA for you all!! i didnt update yesterday because procrastination like dang wow wowey cx. Plz vote and comment and share with your friends :) thanks ))

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