chapter 5

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Fionna blushed lightly "Yeah... But dude you said dances aren't your thing.." She was a bit confused as to why he wanted to go to the dance, he always told pg off and explained how they were lame and junk.

"I don't know Fionna, I just want to go now." He shrugged lightly, he noticed the small blush on Fionnas' face and he couldn't help but think of how cute it made her look... He mentally scolded himself knowing she would never care for him that way, "I'll see you then?" Marshall smirked floating off before she could say anything.

"Yeah?" She watched him float off, "Weird..." She walked back into the kitchen and looked at Cake nervously "Dude, I think Marshall just sort of asked me out..?" She was really unexpirienced in the dating area so didn't realize it was nothing near asking her out.

"What?! Really?!? Ohh Fionna we gotta make you look extra hot tonight!!! What'd he say??" She was excited for Fionna now, finally she would have someone to hangout with when she was busy with Lord Monocromichorn ((Ugh can never spell his name;-; unless thats right cx)) "He betta not hurt you!"

"He just came here asking if I was going to the ball, but then he said he'd see me there!" She put extra emphasis on the last part making sure Cake would get it. Cake just started laughing histerically, "I'm being serious dude!!!" She basically screamed this, she was confused on why Cake found this so funny.

"Girl he didn't ask you out, he just said he'd see you there. Suga' sounds like you have a crush!!" She nudges Fionna lightly hoping to get a rise out of her, Fionna was a bright red color now.

"SHUT UP I DON'T LIKE HIM THAT WAY DUDE!!!" Her eyes were wide as she spoke with Cake since she was quite scared that she would find out the secret.

"Oh, whatever hon..." She chuckles stretching up the ladder to grab Fionnas' dress, "Here put this on Suga'" She smiles handing her a baby blue dress, it started out tight but then puffed out quite a bit, it had an opening in the back but had darker blue ribbons pulling the back together.

"Woah Cake you want me to put that on? I'll look super weird..." She grabbed the dress and headed toward the ladder begining to climb up.

"Come on, I made it just for you Fionna... Put it on.." She smiles softly knowing it would make Fionna look adorable. Fionna continued to walk up the ladder, once she got to her room she started stripping down, she pulled her hat off making her hair flow to her waist. She slowly slid the dress on and made the ribbons tighter, she thought she looked stupid but shrugged it off. She put the bunny headband in her hair slowly. She climbed down the ladder and looked at Cake frowning, "Sweetie you look adorable!! Come on lets get going to that ball!" She smiled grabbing fionnas hand and dragging her out the door.

"I look stupid dude...." She whines trying to get out of Cakes tight grasp.

"No you don't!!" She picked Fionna up and softly placed her onto Cakes back, Cake ran to the ball making sure Fionna wouldn't be able to go back home. Once Cake set Fionna down she simply ran into the ball area scanning the room. Everyone looked at her in amasment but of course being Fionna she wouldn't even notice.

"Hey Fionna.." Marshall floated above her smirking "Care to dance?" He chuckles grabbing Fionnas hand.

"Uh, sure Marshall.." She blushed lightly gripping his hand as he wrapped his arm around her waist, she placed her hand on his shoulder smiling softly. Marshall was filled with happiness being so close to Fionna, he tried so desperately to push these thoughts away knowing he only liked her as a friend, right?

((Okay I need your opinions!!!! Im sort of feeling like I want to put this in first person but I am currently uncertain, just comment what you think I should do ;-; thanks ))

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