The contest

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Chapter 51:

"Finally!" we hear Michael yell behind us.

"Awww!" I hear Ashton say.

"Oh my god Luke! That was so cute! He's growing up guys! No more Cake!" I hear Calum yelling. Wait is he......crying?

Me and Luke both look at him to see him crying.

"Cal?" I say walking by him recovering from crying.

"Yeah yeah I'm fine it's just Cake is gone and now my Luke is all grown up!" he sniffles.

"Aww Cal!" I say hugging him.

"You guys are too cute!" he says recovering.

We pull apart and I smile at Luke.

"Hey fiancée" I smile at him.

"Hello mrs. soon to be Hemmings"

"Mrs.Hemmings. I like that"

"I love the sound of it" Luke laughs.

"Ok guys we get it god!" Michael groans.

I just laugh and we all go to the living room and sit on the couch.

"Cupcake anyone?" we all raise our hands and Luke comes back with 5 cupcakes.

The cupcakes all have engagement rings made of fondant.

"Oh my god" Michael rolls his eyes.

"They're cute babe" I kiss his cheek.

We eat our cupcakes and talk a little.

"Oh my god I can't wait till you walk down the aisle!" Ashton exclaimed.

"Shit!" I curse.

"What?" Luke asks grabbing my hand.

"I kinda don't know how this aisle thing is going to work cause you know my dad" i say letting a single tear go down my face. "and we have a family tradition that it must be someone in your family and as you can see that's not happening"

"Oh no Kate"

"It's fine I'll just walk down alone" I say getting up and running to my room.


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