Failed Rescue

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"...Maybe I have been here before
I know this room, I've walked this floor
I used to live alone before I knew you
I've seen your flag on the marble arch
Love is not a victory march
It's a cold and it's a broken Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Hallelujah..."

~ "Hallelujah", Leonard Cohen

... ...

"What are you looking for, Erik?" Charlotte pondered as she studied Logan's x-rays once more. "Strange. There are more powerful mutants out there; why should this one be so important?"

"Maybe it's his way with people." Scott muttered scathingly. Pietro grinned slightly.

Charlotte chuckled. "You don't like him." It was obvious to the headmistress, even if she wasn't a telepath. She could see the vibes of dislike between the two men.

"How could you tell?" Scott asked wryly.

"Well, I am psychic, you know." Charlotte replied with a smile.

Logan and Storm hurried in abruptly. "Where is she?" Logan demanded.

"Who?" Scott asked. Charlotte's eyes widened as she scanned the school hurriedly. "Rogue...she's gone."


"Welcome, Professor." Cerebro's automated voice greeted Charlotte. She led Logan inside the vast room. "Welcome to Cerebro." She told him.

Logan was unimpressed. "Well, this certainly is a...big, round room."

"The brainwaves of mutants are different from average human beings." Charlotte explained patiently. "This device amplifies my powers, allowing me to locate mutants across great distances. That's how I intent to find Rogue."

"Why don't you just use it to find Magneto?" Logan asked.

Charlotte shook her head to Logan. "I've been trying, but he has a helmet that shields himself from telepaths and Cerebro."

Logan paused. "How would he know how to do that?"

Charlotte smiled, bittersweet memories coming to mind. "He was there when I first tried the original out. He watched and knew how it worked. He assisted when we discussed improvements to make." Charlotte replied but confessed, "He knows Cerebro nearly as well as I. Now if you'll excuse me..."



The desperate mental scream made Charlotte's jump. 'Pietro? What's wrong?'

'Magneto's goons are at the train station, Mum! Storm, Scott, and I were ambushed! Logan came after Rogue anyways, they're after him—' Pietro replied.

'I'll be there as soon as possible. Hold on.' Charlotte said.

"Jean, Wanda! We need to get to that train station immediately!" Charlotte yelled.


The police were already there, outside, waiting when Erik and his two followers left the building. So were Charlotte, Jean, and Wanda, in a car behind all the police. The women sat in silence, watching from others' eyes.

"Alright, hold it! Hold it right there!" One of the policemen ordered. "Stay where you are and put your hands over your heads!"

Charlotte flinched at the mistake, knowing what was about to happen. Erik smiled from under the helmet and did as they asked. As he raised his hands, several police cars rose into the air as well, before dropping suddenly onto other cars. Charlotte watched as he flung their guns away too and turned them on the shocked police.

'Erik, please don't do this.' Charlotte thought to Erik, even though he didn't hear.

"You Homo Sapiens and your guns." Erik mocked. And that was it.

Charlotte snatched at Sabretooth's mind, shoving her mind into his, throwing his control away as easily as Erik had thrown the guns. She did the same to Toad and forced Sabretooth to grab Erik's throat.

"That's enough, Erik." Charlotte/Sabretooth said.

Toad nodded. "Let them go."

Erik glanced at them before turning to look out at the cars. "Why don't you come out where I can see you, Charlotte?" He yelled.

"What do you want her for?" Charlotte made Sabretooth say.

Erik smirked ever so slightly. "Can't you read my mind?" He asked ironically. "But now, to save the girl, you'll have to kill me, Charlotte."

The ultimatum made Charlotte grit her teeth. Damn Erik, he knew she wouldn't do that... Beside Charlotte, her daughter and Jean glanced at her in concern.

"And what will that accomplish?" Erik continued. "Let them pass that law and they'll have you in chains with a number burned into your forehead."

"It won't be that way." Charlotte replied calmly. She tried not to sound as if pleading.

Erik smirked. "Then kill me and find out." Charlotte pursed her lips. "No?" He asked when she did nothing. "Then release me."

Instead of replying, Charlotte made Toad walk away, carrying Rogue with him.

"Fine." Erik whispered and released the safety of one of the policemen's guns, pointing it to the man's head. And fired.

Bystanders screamed. Charlotte winced...

...but the bullet was levitating less than an inch from the man's head. Just as easily as he stopped the bullet aimed for her head, so many years ago...

"Care to push your luck, Charlotte?" Erik asked as the other guns' safety was turned off and the clicks of the guns were audibly threatening.

Charlotte's eyes met Jean's reluctantly.

"I don't think I can stop them all." Erik threatened.

Charlotte released his henchmen.

Erik chuckled. "Still unwilling to make sacrifices, Charlotte." He remarked derisively. "That's what makes you weak. Even after all these years." Charlotte winced at that.

Before anything more could be done, a helicopter landed—piloted by Raven.

"Goodbye, Charlotte." Erik called over his shoulder and they escaped.

'Goodbye, Erik.' Charlotte thought to herself and closed her eyes in failure.

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