Home Invasion

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"...It's the moment of truth and the moment to lie,
The moment to live and the moment to die
The moment to fight, the moment to fight, to fight, to fight, to fight..."

~ "This is War", 30 Seconds to Mars

... ...

The flight back from Erik's prison took longer than expected because of weather; it was nearly three in the morning when Charlotte and Scott returned to the school.

They came in to find one of the children watching television in the front room.

"Go to bed, Shawn." Charlotte instructed gently. Shawn scurried off as Scott turned off the TV. Voices came from the kitchen and echoed down the wooden corridors.

Charlotte wheeled into the kitchen to find Logan and Bobby sitting at the table—the teen eating a snack, Wolverine drinking a soda.

"Sup, Charlie." Logan greeted, raising his bottle slightly.

"Scott, retrieve the twins. Quickly." Charlotte instructed. "Bobby, you should return to bed."

Bobby wasn't as quick to listen to her as Shawn was. "What's wrong, Professor?" He asked.

Charlotte hesitated before making a decision. "Go and wake Rogue, John, Kitty, Colossus, and the other older students. Be quick and do not wake or alert the young ones yet. This is urgent."

Bobby nodded and left after Scott.

"Jean and Ororo are still out looking for that mutant." Charlotte murmured to herself. They'd have to contact them soon. They weren't due for another two hours, but they needed to be informed quickly...

Charlotte looked to Logan. "A man named William Stryker is now aware of my school and my students. It isn't safe here. We need to evacuate to a safe location immediately before he makes his move. Logan, can I count on you?"

Logan snorted. 'You have to ask, Professor?' He thought but nodded to her. Charlotte gave him a look of gratitude but said nothing else as the others hurried in quickly—disheveled, sleepy-eyed, and confused. Bobby followed moments later with the eldest students.

Charlotte outlined the situation—Stryker, the danger, the possibility that he'd come after them—but she said nothing of how Stryker had found out.

"We need to wake all the students and get moving quickly." Charlotte said. "We need to be discreet. Stryker likely knows about the jet; it's too inconspicuous. The bunker has a secret exit for emergencies, which will be safe to use—"

"Where will we go?" Asked Wanda.

Charlotte hummed. "We need to contact Jean and Ororo. But I can call in a favor with Emma or, more likely, Nick Fur—" Charlotte stopped suddenly, tilting her head curiously . "Is that—?"

"Helicopters. Several of 'em. Getting' closer." Logan replied, standing from his seat. Bobby went to the window, but it was overcast and no light from the moon lit the grounds, making it impossible to see anything.

Charlotte's face darkened. "They're coming. Jean, Wanda, Rogue, Kitty, John, go wake the children. The rest of you, we're going to keep them out for as long as possible. Now go!"

The group split. Charlotte turned her attention elsewhere.

"Mum." Pietro said. "You should go too. You shouldn't be here—"

Charlotte raised her eyebrow at her son. "I am likely a primary target in this raid, mein schatz. If I am here, that will put more focus on me and less on the children, giving them more time to escape. Do not argue."

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