Little Jean

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"I believe in nothing,
Not the end and not the start.
I believe in nothing,
Not the earth and not the stars.
I believe in nothing,
Not the day and not the dark.
I believe in nothing,
But the beating of our hearts..."

~ "100 Suns", 30 Seconds to Mars

... ...

Twenty Years Ago

Charlotte had asked Erik in a letter if he was willing to assist her in a sensitive matter. He had offered his assistance cautiously.

Erik had come with Charlotte here, though he was skeptical. "I still don't know why I'm here, Charlotte." He said as they got out of the car.

Charlotte stood and stretched. "Well, I needed someone to drive the car, didn't I?"She said, grinning. "Besides. I may be projecting myself here as capable of walking, but I can't physically drive." Not when she was, in reality, physically in her office at the moment.

Erik inspected her for any giveaways that the Charlotte Xavier he saw beside him was an illusion. Curious, he snatched at her hand and raised an eyebrow when he could not feel her hand. She tapped her temple. "You forget, love."

"Can't you just make them say yes?" Erik asked as they walked toward the house.

Charlotte shrugged. "That is not my way. I would expect you of all people to understand my feelings on the misuse of powers."

Erik unlocked the gate. "Power corrupts and all that, yes, I know." He said, familiar with the argument. "When are you going to stop lecturing me?"

"When you start listening." Charlotte replied with an easy smile. "And I would not take a parents' choice away when it came to their children. Imagine if we were them and someone forced us to agree to send the twins to some strange, distant school."

"I'd like to see them try." Erik muttered. Charlotte gave him a measured look.

Erik sighed, conceding defeat on the matter.

"And you're here because I need you." Charlotte added.

Erik looked to Charlotte curiously. "And why not one of the chil—one of the others? Why me?"

"They are...otherwise busy today." Charlotte replied. "And I was glad of the excuse to see you again, old friend."

"How are the twins?" Erik asked quietly.

Charlotte smiled. "They are well. Irene is looking after them; she usually does when I'm teaching or busy. They're quite taken with her...but I think she misses Raven."

After a moment, Erik asked Charlotte. "You're not going to have to meet every one of your possible students in person, will you?"

"No." Charlotte replied as Erik knocked on the door. "This one's special."


"It's a beautiful campus." Mrs. Grey remarked. "Don't you think, John?"

John nodded. "Yes, the pamphlet is great. But what about her...illness?"

"Illness?" Erik repeated immediately. "Do you think your daughter is sick, Mr. Grey?"

Charlotte intervened before Erik could ruffle anymore feathers. "Perhaps it would be best if we spoke to Jean ourselves." She suggested. "Alone."

Mrs. Grey nodded, "Yes, of course. Jean! Can you come down, dear?" Ms. Grey called upstairs.

A moment later, the young Jean entered the room as her parents left. Jean stared at Charlotte curiously...

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