Jachary~ darling you'll be ok

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"If I were you, I'd put that away
See, you're just wasted and thinking about the past again
Darling, you'll be okay"
~pierce the veil

This one shot is based off of that lyric
Also this could be triggering!! Caution: cutting, suicide, bullying. Etc. please stay safe!!!

Jacks POV
I heard Zach's phone go off. "Zach your phone is going off you have a text message" I yelled. "Can you check it" he screamed back. I held his phone in my hand and looked at the messages.

He was in a gc. It didn't have a name so I opened it and checked it. People were calling him names.
"Go get a life loser and stop sucking your boyfriends face off fag"

"Please learn how to dress correctly and look good"

"Jeez zach I've seen you've gained even more weight since high school I didn't think that was possible"

"Zach please do us all a favor and end your whole life"

I read over all the texts carefully. Why would anyone say that to him. He's perfect, he's an amazing singer, he is definitely not fat, and he is the most beautiful person I've ever seen.

I grabbed his phone from where I set it down and ran upstairs. "Zach baby we need to talk" I said calmly. He walked out of the bathroom looking tired.

He raised his eyebrow in confusion. "Tell me who these people are now zach" I said handing him the phone. His eyes widen and tears started to form in his eyes. "It's no one forget it" he said.

"Zach we're going to talk about this but if you need time I'm here ok" I said. "Oh and all those things are so wrong you're amazing babe" I said kissing his forehead. He smiled.

Zach's POV
Once Jack left the room I collapsed on the floor crying. I couldn't do this anymore. I took our a sheet of paper. These are the last words i want jack to hear from me.

I wrote a whole letter and folded it nicely. I placed it on his bed and went into the Bathroom. I went through the drawers trying to look for my little friend. I found the sharp razor stuffed in the back since I didn't want anyone finding it.

My stupid past has pushed me this far. Those people used to mean so much to me but I couldn't. I heard my phone go off and I checked it.

"Dude just kill yourself already no one wants you"

I cried into my hands. They're all right now one wants me why would they?? I sliced my wrist open.

1 for my fatass

2 for my horrible singing

1 for me being a bad boyfriend

I screamed our in pain. But quickly realized I wasn't home alone.

Jacks POV (sorry for all the switches)
I heard zach scream in pain. "Zach baby are you alright" I yelled running up the stairs.

The boys looked at me worried. I ran into my room to find a note on my bed. I skimmed through it. It talked about his past and how it was horrible how he had to do this.

My eyes widen. My beautiful baby boy is trying to kill himself. I ran to the bathroom door banging on it. "Zach open up now" I yelled. "I'll help you I promise just please open the fucking door." I screamed tears running down my face. By this time the other boys were around me banging on the door too. I couldn't hear what they were saying I was too focused on Zach.

"Only you jack" is all I heard. I looked at the other boys and they all nodded leaving the room. "They're gone baby it's ok please let me in" I said softly.

Zach opened the door and was laying on the ground. Blood was covering his arms. "Baby why" I said kneeling down. I wrapped him in my arms. He sobbed "I'm sorry jack I'm so sorry" he sounded so broken. Those people broke my boy.

"Hey hey it's ok let me clean you up" I said removing myself from his grip. So I cleaned it all up.

"O-okay Tell me why please" I begged.

"Those texts are old friends from my past what they're saying is right and you know it" he said.

"No they're so wrong zach" I said.

"B-but they've always been right my past fucking sucks and it's all catching up on me it's hurting me so bad jack" his voice broke more.

Tears welled up in my eyes again.
"See, you're just thinking about the past again" I said hugging him. "Those people are wrong look at you today you are a strong person and if I'm going to be honest you have the best boyfriend too" I said. He giggled. "Well you do have the last part right you are the best boyfriend in the world" he said smiling.

I kissed him
"Darling, you'll be okay" I said.

He nodded his head "I'll be ok" he whispered. I nodded.

"Let's go cuddle right now ok" I said. He stood up indicating he wants to do that. I pulled him down in bed and he cuddled into me. "I love you darling never forget that" i said kissing his forehead.

He was falling asleep but managed to get out "I love you too" he yawned.

I smiled and laid my head atop his falling asleep knowing he's safe now.

Woah this was so bad I'm so sorry I'm going to upload another one later tonight and it'll be better. Well I hope I can Get it up tonight! I also haven't edited this so idk if I've done anything wrong I'll edit it when I get home!

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