-Track 3-

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The buzzing of his phone got Jimin out of his weird dream. A little disorientated, he opened his eyes and stared at the starry ceiling. Right, he still was in Busan at his parents', and the ceiling of his former room was covered in fluorescent plastic stars. He had loved those as a child. His father had made him stick the small stars to the ceiling while riding on his shoulders, so most of them were scattered around the head light.

Sleepily, he grabbed his phone from the nightstand and pushed the power button only to be blinded by the light of the screen. Hell, he should be clever enough to avoid this. With half-closed eyes he dimmed the display light and looked at the clock. It was three in the morning.

Confused, he opened the messages and read the texts, realizing it was Yoongi who had texted him.

Yoongi at 3:12 You back home tomorrow, right?

Yoongi at 3:12 Wanna meet to show me your dance?

Yoongi at 3:13 Shit, sry, it's l8.

Jimin chuckled when he read the last text.

You at 3:15 Yeah, I'm back in Seoul tomorrow. U still in the studios?

Yoongi at 3:16 You up? Yeah, still workin on somethin.

You at 3:16 When did u sleep last?

Yoongi at 3:17: Dunno. Why you up?

You at 3:17 U woke me up with ur texts. U should go sleep.

Yoongi at 3:17 Shit, I'm sry. Didn't watch the time. Go back sleeping, we'll meet tomorrow. Just come to the studios.

You at 3:18 K. Sleep tight, Hyung.

That was right, tonight was his last night in Busan. Tomorrow morning, he would meet with Jungkook to travel back to Seoul, because school would start next week. The summer semester always started three weeks earlier than at other universities, because in May they had the entrance examinations. And those three weeks were exclusively for the examinations and they had no lectures. That shortened their vacation in winter but therefor they had three weeks in beautiful spring to visit their families again before the exams. But this year, they would most likely spend the time with practicing for the graduation project.


It was five in the afternoon, when Jungkook and he opened the door to their apartment and dragged in their big suitcases, or in case of the raven the giant backpack.

"I wanna sleep," the younger groaned and toddled into the living room to let himself fall on the couch. The drive had been horrible, for they had a crying child in their cabin for half of the tour.

"Then sleep," Jimin said and pecked his lover's forehead, "I'll meet Yoongi. He wanted to see me dance today."

"What are you? A machine?" Jungkook asked without opening his eyes.

"No, I'm curious," Jimin replied. And he truly was. Today he would show his teammate a part of his own persona like the composer had with the songs. And he wondered if the blonde would like it.

He did not even get out of his jacket, but only grabbed his clothes for dancing and left the apartment again with his bike. His stomach growled unapprovingly, but maybe Yoongi had not been eating either and they could grab something together.

When he entered the composer's part of the building, he had no clue where to go. He never had been here, simply because he never needed to be at the studios, and he was a little taken aback by the proximity of the place. It was one door after another with different nametags next to the doors that were secured with electronic locks. After strolling through the hallways for some time, a door opened in front of him and Mr. Bang came out. Relieved to have someone he could ask for the way, he jogged towards the teacher.

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