-Track 5-

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Over the last weeks, Yoongi had visited him frequently on his dance practice. He always had a new song prepared which he wanted him to dance to, and Jimin got the feeling he went through all possible emotions to see the full range of his dance skills. He appreciated the composer's way, though he always was wrecked after his songs, because they seemed to hit exactly his way of feeling.

Their meetings would mostly end with dinner at the grocery shop and a little talking. With Yoongi, Jimin had learned to value silence. They did not need to talk all the time, and it did not feel uncomfortable. The composer had told him that, sometimes, he got his ideas for beats and rhythms in places like that, random places in the city, and it did not always take a brilliant mind to create something good. Jimin had listened attentively and had been happy to see the sparkle in the blonde's eyes whenever they talked about his profession.

But the older also had told him about his family, and how his parents had tried to talk him out of attending this school and becoming a producer. Jimin had been shocked to hear that they even had called their son a disgrace for the family when he had moved to Seoul. But still, Yoongi had made his way and had made the entrance examination for composers. But his parents still won't talk to him. No matter, he was the best of the year.

The song Yoongi had made him dance today seemed to hold all that pain the blonde had told him about and so much more that it even had made him cry from the sadness it held. To make up for the emotional mess, the composer had invited him for dinner this time.

But when he came home, a grumpy Jungkook waited for him in the living room.

"I meet with Namjoon, too, but I still manage to be home before dinner" he got instead of a welcome.

"I was out with Yoongi," he replied, not understanding why Jungkook was that angry.

"Yeah, you're always out with Yoongi. I get the feeling he becomes more important than me." Was his lover serious? How could he think that? Was it really that often? Well, this week it had been three times, but that was an exception.

"Well, I kind of feel responsible for making him eat enough, so we always end up eating dinner when he comes to watch me dance," he tried to explain.

"He's a grown man, for god's sake, and why's he watching you dance?" Jungkook's voice got louder and Jimin shrunk a little, intimidated by his lover's outburst.

"He wants to write a song that suits me, so he wants to see me dance," he replied calmly and a little sulky.

"Every two days?" his boyfriend asked with raised eyebrows and a disbelieving expression.

How could he possibly tell him that Yoongi did not know about them and therefore was not at fault? The composer just enjoyed the company of a friend, thinking there was nothing wrong with meeting up every two days because he had a new sample. From what the blonde had told him, there had not been many friends in his past and Namjoon had been his first real one. So, how could he possibly reject someone like Yoongi? Moreover, when it was not pity but sincere interest that made him enjoy the other's company.

"What's your problem, Jungkook?" he hissed at his boyfriend but instantly regretted doing so, because the look on the younger's face made his chest hurt. But before he could say something to soften his words, the bedroom door was shut close and he heard the key being twisted.

The night that followed those words was horrible. Jimin slept on the couch and when he woke up with hurting muscles, Jungkook was already gone, though it was the weekend.

Tired and in a bad mood, he stood up and strolled into the bathroom. While getting ready for the day, he thought about how to make up with his beloved raven. Even if he did not see where the problem was. When they had had dancing exams, he would stay away from home almost every evening to train until midnight in one of the studios. Was it because it was with another guy? But between him and Yoongi only was a friendship that had developed by mere interest in music and the project. Nothing more. He would never cheat on Jungkook. Maybe he should tell him exactly that. If he would come home today and not stay at a friend's.

Beats by Heart - Yoonmin/JikookWhere stories live. Discover now