Yay. life.

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Franks P.O.V

Lifes great, my dogs are great, i'm healthy, happy, and so is my family and girlfriend, Jamia Nestor.

Jamia is, well, different. We met in english class and later learned that we have pretty much every class together except for math, she was in advanced and I have no clue where I am on the grand scale of stupidity.

I get snapped out of my weird zone when the bell rings.

Football next! Yay life. I. Hate. Football.

I despise all sports really, so much of just the same rules, same games, same stupidity. All because of Jamia. The only reason I haven't dumped her is because her mother is the principal, and I would surely be treated like garbage after that.

As I walked through the halls, staring put windows as I walked, Mrs. Nestor pulled me aside. She was walking with some pale kid, he was taller then me by a lot, kinda cute in my opin-


But he is so... Pretty; his face just fits perfectly and his eyes are amazingly profound and powerful, almost sad.

"Mr. Iero, do you mind taking a few minutes out of practice to show our new student around? His name is Gerard, Gerard say hello." She said in that weird, fuzzy tone.

"Sup" he mumbled sarcastically

Wow, cute AND is sarcastic like me! I think i've met my solemate!

"Hey, my names Frank" I say, putting my hand out warmly. We shake hands, and oh my gosh does he have a strong grip! Welp, sexy, funny, AND strong!? Im getting Edward Cullen vibes from this dude.

"Well, you two have fun! Frank, i'll see you at dinner tonight"

"Ok Jennifer!" I said brightly, she was nice and everything, just her witch of a daughter.

I almost automatically notice Gerards t-shirt "So, misfits fan I take it" I say refrencing to his shirt, and then noticing his perfect shoulders and- OK THIS IS JUST CREEPY NOW! Frank stop it! You have a girlfriend and everything is perfect! And besides, he is totally straight!

"Whats your locker number" I ask, breaking the silence.

"667" he said, quite a but louder. I jumped a bit, slightly startled by his sudden change of tone.

"Oh cool, mine is 665, my friend Brendon is 666, i'm sure you will like him a lot" I say, maybe he will make some friends.

A/N: see what I did there :) THAT WAS FOR THE PANIC TRASH!

"Oh cool, at least i'll know SOMEONE!"

That was the last thing he really said besides "Ok" and "cool" on our little tour.

 ~~~~~~~~~~~~ le time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

We exchanged phone numbers after we learned that we actually have a lot in commen. We both like the same kind of music, and we both like black and stiff like that. Oh and you know, hES GAY!!! I practicly eternally squeeled like some 12 year old girl when the people she/he ships kiss or do something cute.

For once i'm actually looking forward to school, oh and hey, get this, I QUIT FOOTBALL! Gerard talked me into it! Jamia will have a fit for not having a "perfect" boyfriend, but you know what, SCREW HER! I will most likely dump her eventually, and oh I don't know, date gee...

A/N Well that was fun!

Tell me what you guys think!!!

Love- L

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