The midnight stars part 2

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A/N: heyyy guys, so so sorry im updating early. I will prob add a new chapter trmw bc  i was late. There is just some stuff going on rn so like, yeah. LOVE YAAA!


Gerards POV

I woke up to a soft beeping, my vision making out the plain, white room.

My vision finally cleared and I see Franks hand, gripping mine with a passion.

"F-f-rankie" I managed to speak, my voice cracking slightly as I spoke.

"Thank god Gerard! You're ok" He said, pulling me into a bone-crushing hug. "Where is Mom, a-a-and Mikey?" I asked, the fear obvious in my trembling voice.

"Oh yeah, them. I'll give them a call" He said, planting a kiss on my forehead before walking out, grabbing a sticky note before leaving. I assume the doctor gave him their numbers.

~le time skip (about 20 min)~

(Still gerards POV)

Frank walked into the room, pulling me i to a warm hug.

"Hey, how are you feeling" He whispered in my ear

"I'm ok, what happend?" 

"When I told you, you kinda passed out and hit your head on a rock, I didn't know what to do so I just called for an ambulance, you have been out for about 6 hours, I told your Mother and Micheal to go home and I stayed. Speanking of whick they should be here in a few minutes." He said quietly.

"Ok, thank you so much!" I said, wrapping my arms around his neck.

After our embrace he leaned in and kissed me.  Startled, I didn't kiss back at first. But I realised what was going on so I began to kiss back. We deepened our kiss, just as he was about to progress, there was a light knock on the door.

"Shit" I muttered

"It's probably your Mother and Micheal, we should answer it." He said pleasently

"Fine." I said, clearly annoyed by my family's actions.

Frank jumped off of my hospital bed where we were sitting and opened the door. He said a few things to them that I couldn't make out, but i'm sure it was nothing.

"Hey Gee, how are you feeling?" Mikey said with a "babying" tone.

"I'm fine Mikey, I just hit my head." I know it's a lot more serious then that, but it will calm his obviously jittery nerves.

"I better head home, bye Geebear, bye Donna and Micheal, it was nice to meet you guys!" He said cheerfully.

"Bye- Frank right?"


"Ok bye Frank, thank you for everything!" Mikey chimed in, probably wanting to get put of the hospital.

A/N: Hey guyyyssss!!! Thnx for reading! Please comment on what you think will happen next because it may just take you by surprise! Luvv yaaa!-L

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