Down the clown (part 1.)

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A/N: guess who's back! I'm so so sorry I havent updated in like 983782638263 years, but i am now and that's what matters. Frank and gee's date will be broken down into two parts, and ryan and brendons little kind of date thing will be the chapter after next. Am that is where the plot thickens.

(Unedited btw)

Bye guys!

Gerards POV

I slid the piece of wood down the leg of my skinny jeans, right under the chalk squar I drew earlier. I picked up my razor blade and slid it around the marked area. It made a satisfying ripping noise as it cut out the square of fabric. I flipped the jeans over and cut another square which would be about mid-thigh when I put them on. 

I hope Frank would like these, I got the idea from tumblr and figured "Hey, this would be something unique for me and Franks date tonight!"

I cut out one more square on the knee and pulled out the piece of wood. There were small fragments  on my maroon comforter from the little fivers of the jeans. I brushed them off with ease and stared at my jeans.

I walked over to my closet and grabbed a red v-neck tee shirt and my leather jacket.

I (barely) pulled on my skinny jeans, my foot getting stuck in the little squares a few times.

I pulled off the forest green shirt that I was currently wearing and looked in the mirror. 

I ran my hands over my visable hip bones and my slightly protruding ribs.

To be honest i'd fuck me if I could.

I pulled on the red t-shirt and the leather jacket.


I pulled on my black vans and headed out the door.

I went out and sat on the swing on my front porch, aimlessly scrolling through tublr.

Honk honk 

A black car.

The window rolled down slowly.

"Get in loser, we're goin' to the fair." Frank yelled.

"You're too cheesy!" I yelled back.

I walked up to his car and got into the passenger seat.

The car had an all black interior.

The car smelled of rose water and cigarettes. And a little bit of cinnamon.

"Frank, do you smoke? It's okay if you do i'm just curious." I asked.

"Yeah sometimes, it's just an outlet for stress and stuff. To get away, ya know?" He said back.

"Yeah I get it." I said, I don't smoke, but I love the smell of cigarette smoke. It's calming.

"So where are we off to, frankie?" I asked.

"Well, you know that little carnival-fair thingy that's a little ways from here?" He said.

"Oh yeah, my asshole little brother and his friends went there last night." I said.

"Welp, we're going tonight. Are you afraid of heights?" He asked thoughtfully.

"No, not really." I said, lying straight through my teeth.

I had been severely afraid of heights since I was 7. Mikey made me go on some stupid ride with him that basically traumatized me. I have barely been able to look at any sort of ride ever since. But maybe that will change tonight. Maybe.

"Ok, great! Well, let's go!" He said, pulling out of my driveway.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2018 ⏰

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