And it ends...

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A/N: part of this will be in text format but i'll let u know when! Tysm for readinggg! "Stay beautiful, keep it ugly"- Gerard Way

Gerards POV

Franks hot. Like, super hot. And pretty, and nice, and polite, and he is SUCH a gentleman! But ya know, he kinda is alive. Because, y'know, i'm a vampire, and we eat mouth breathers like him.

But his eyes, there too... Perfect

My daydreaming has been inturrupted by my idiot little brother, Micheal.

"Sup, loser" he says in his stupid fuckboy voice. God, why is he so preppy!

"Hey, nerd" I say back to him

"Guess whats for dinner" he practically sang.

"I have no clue"


"Great!" I truly felt that way, chinese was the best, and by Chinese, we are talkin' bout people. Vampires, remember.

"So, who was the cute short kid you were talking to before-"

I didn't let him finish before throwing a book at his face. Harry Potter, might I add, the heaviest in my collection.

" 'SCUSE ME, COULD YOU PLEASE LEAVE! THIS IS WHY I DIDN'T TALK TO YOU, I DON'T TRUST YOU NOT TO GO BLABBING MY SECRETS TO YOUR LITTLE FUCKBOY FRIENDS" I scolded, last year at my old school, he told the VERY straight and VERY homophobic boy at my school that I was practically planning our wedding, and he told the WHOLE school, and we had to move because some how word was spilled that we were vampires in the whole wreck, and the riots started.

"Fine!" He stormed out, leaving the door just an inch open. So I would have to get up and shut it.

A/N: I bet all of you P!ATD fans are getting excited for a reference...

I threw another book at the door and it shut. Thank god, i'm probably the laziest person ever, and I HATE shuting doors.

My phone chirped, and I practically jumped. The classical music in my room had a softer melancholy, and I wasn't expecting such a disruption noise to randomly sound off. I walked over to my bed; the blood-red crushed velvet sheets tickling my hand as I reached for my phone. 

Unknown number, thats strange...

A/N: text format w/ mixed thoughts

Unknown: Hey, is this gerard??

Gerard: I hope so, or I dont know who I am

Unknown: LOLZZZ! I take it by the fact that your words are practically dripping in sarcasm that it's definitely MY gerard and not some 40 year old living in his moms basement



MY gerard!!!

Not "the gerard from school" or "that gerard" HIS GERARD! 

"SQUEEEEE" I quickly let out. If I held in That girlish squeel, I probably would have turned into a 7th grader with their first boyfirend right there and then. I quickly texted him back

Gerard: Ha! Sorry, im basically fluent in sarcasm!

Unknown: ik

I should probably make a contact for him, I quickly made one. Easy peasy pumpkin pie, motherfuckers!

FrnkXOXO: so do u maybe wanna, idk, hang out later tonite ;)

WINKY FACE! That HAS to mean something! 

Gerard: yeah sure! Sounds AWESOME! Midnight in the park?

FrnkXOXO: yeah sure! U know where the park is right?!?

Yes! I get to see him somewhere else other then hell! Oh I mean school.

Wait, no I don't

Gerard: sure do, sugar

Please don't sound creepy, please don't sound creepy, please don't sound creepy...

FrnkXOXO: See ya there geebear!

Ok... Inhale. Exhale. 

Yeah thats useless. I quickly stood up on my bed, jumping up and down excitedly like a freankin' five year old. GEEBEAR!! Yessss

Franks POV

Sugar. He. Called. Me. Sugar.

YEEESSSS! I hope I didn't sound too "forwards" by asking him to hang later tonight.

Ok. Dinner right. I walked into my kitchen, passing my mother working in her office

"Hey mom"

"Hi Frank, how was school?"

"Good, I gave a new student a tour of the school, and he was HOT!"

My mom knows i'm gay and understands that Jamia is a cover from the school. Back in middle school, I was bullied so badly that I was forced to switch to annew highschool as soon as the year ended

"I take it you're going to go hang out with him tonight? I could hear you doing your happy dance in your room and we all know what that means"

"Yeah he told me he was gay basically as soon as we met"

"What a catch, don't stay out too late, you know the murders"

My mother is a lawyer, a good one at that, and she prosecutes murders. Since this is Jersey, there are already a high-crime area, so that makes her job extra busy. Which gives ME time to fantasize about guys. 

I grabbed a slice of cold pizza and went back upstairs to get ready. I CAN'T wait!

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