The midnight stars part 1

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A/N This chapter is kinda fluffy, let me know what ya think! Love-L

Mikey's POV

I'm really worried about Gee, he JUST started talking two months ago, and I don't want to screw things up with him. I walked downstairs to get ice from were gerard hit me in the face with one of his nerd books, the smell of raw meat floated daintily throughout the house

"Good evening mother" I said to my mother as I walked to the freezer, pushing frozen fingers out of the way, finally finding an ice pack.

Good evening Mich- what happend to your face?" She said with a worried tone.

"Oh Getard hit me in the face with a book"

"Don't call him that!" My mother scolded, hitting me playfully on the arm.

"Ok ok, sorry" I said, holding the cold ice to my face.

I walked up stairs and hear Gerards blow-drying his hair. Thats weird...

Gerards POV

Must look perfect...

Must look perfect...

Must look perfect...

I turned off my blow dryer and got out my flat iron. I grabbed a strand of my raven hair and began straightening it. The heat was very strong when it came close to my pale skin.

~~~~le time skip~~~~~~

I ran my hands through my hair as I tried to pick out a black tee shirt. I had five of them, but whenever I found one it wasn't THE black tee shirt. I finally found the right one, and grabbed a pai of ripped black skinny jeans and slid them on. Then I shed my misfits shirt and looked at myself in the mirror. I ran my hands through my hair, admiring my eyeliner. After I snapped out of my trance, I slid into my vintage-soft tee shirt. Checking my hair and eyeliner once again, I checked the time. It was 10:45. Perfect timing. I head downstairs for dinner.

"Hey mom" I say as I come down the stairs quickly.

"Hey hun, can ya set the table please?" She asked in a motherly tone

"Yeah, sure" I mumbled, grabbing a bottle of alcohol, cotton balls, and IV bags. I walk over to a diffrent drawer and grabbed three needles.

I put one out at each place, folding the napkins delicately on the table.

"Thanks, sweetie" My mother said, planting a kiss on my cheek. I quickly wipe off the lipstick mark I know the kiss left.

"Moooommm, I'm going out tonight and I DON'T need your lipstick on my face" I say with annoyed tone

"Ooo where to" My brother chimed in

"Hey mikey, oh haven't you ever heard of closing a goddamn door!" I scold 

"Sorry!" He apologized sarcastically, he is such a little shit sometimes.

"OK, who is ready to eat!" My mother said as she filled the IV bags with blood, the red liquid swishing around in the bags. Still warm from where it was drained.

Everyone quicky sat down in their usuall places, I picked up the bag carefully, making sure not to drop it. I took the tube that would soon connect to a needle and secured to to the bag.

A/N: ***DO NOT READ THE NEXT PART IF YOU DO NOT LIKE NEEDLES!!!*** I will let u know when its over!

(Still Gerards POV)

I hooked the needle up to the tube, then watched the air flood out of the needle until a droplet of blood came out of the tip. I wuickly found a vain and inserted the needle, letting the warm liquid into my system, soon blacking out.

A/N: Needle part is done!

~le time skip~

I awoke about an hour later, I checked my watch 

"11:30"I whispered, careful not to awake Micheal and my mother from her "food-coma".

I went upstairs and freshened up my eyeliner, the  spritzed my face with setting spray. I slid on my combat boots and tied up the laces.

I pulled back my curtains and unlocked my window, watching the bird on the tree outside fly away. Birds have always fascinated me, i've always been slightly jealous that they can just fly away from their problems, were i'm practically immortal.

I pryed open my window and climbed out, brushing past leaves. I quickly grab a tree limb and swing with ease to the soft autumn moss.

Gerard: are we meeting at the park with the water fountain or the one with the playground?

FrnkXOXO: Water fountain, its the closest to ur place, right?

Well, thats a little...


Gerard: k koooolll see ya then!

FrnkXOXO:kay byeee

I shut off my phone and begin thr wealk to the park.

~~le time skip to park~~

We walked over to the bench and sit down.

"So, how are you?" I asked

"Good, you?" Frank asked sweetly, god he is so cute.


Frank finally breaks the ice "Hey, so this may come off as a little weird, but like, you're cute. And I like you..."


"s-s-sorry, c-c-can you repeat that?" I asked, heart pumping like crazy

"I.... Like... You... And... Think... You're... Cute.... got that, hot stuff" He said, winking at me. Oh my god, just... agh

"I... uh.... like you t-" he interrupted, kissing me on the cheek.

I think I just died a little inside.

"I like you too" I managed to mumble, he then kissed me, for real this time. I could feel the blood rush to my cheeks after he did that.

"So, see ya tomorrow, I guess"

"Yeah, tomorrow" I practically whispered

Best. Night. Ever.

And then everything went black.

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