Could I? Should I?

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Franks POV

As I walked up the ways stairs to their porch, roses in hand, I realise how victorian-style their house is.

As I walked up the ways stairs to their porch, roses in hand, I realise how victorian-style their house is

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There is a grey stone brick driveay, led in by some shrubbry. The house itself is a cream color with some light "tannish" accents. The dark grey shingles completed the look. You could see that the house was older because of the several fire places, almost no houses these days have more than one or two fireplaces inside. The windows were absolutely gorgeous, I will have to make sure to ask Gee which one is his, otherwise that may be ackward.

I gathered up my thoughts, took a deep breath and hit the doorbell.




"Hey Frank, whats with the roses?"

"So, I was wondering if you maybe wanted to go out or... something?"

Well, here comes the....

"Yeah sure, is friday good? We can go to the other park, the one with the pond, and feed the ducks."

"Um, buh da da buh" I managed to mumble.






"Shhh" he said, running his finger over my lip as I stoop there, dumbfounded as to why the HOTTEST emo at my school just said YES TO GOING ON A DATE WITH ME! THE LOSER THAT NO ONE LIKES?!?

"I'll pick you up at 6:30 on friday, that should be the perfect time to watch the sunset, see you soon, frankenweenie!" He said, kissing me on the cheek.

He waved goodbye, and I just stood there, opening and closing my mouth like a stupid fish.

I finally gathered the fried brain cells that I had left to get my shit together and walk home.

On the walk home, I figured I would try to concentrate on me and Gees date. 

What do I even wear to something like this?

Looks like I'll have to make a trip to hot topic before friday.

What day is today? 

I grabbed my phone out of the back pocket of my skinny jeans and clicked the home button. 

Oh rad, it's only Wednesday.

I'll go shopping tomorrow, maybe I'll take Brendon and Ryan with me to help me pick out my stuff. They do have great taste in clothing.

I wonder if Gerard is cool with dudes wearing makeup.

If he isn't, he's a no.

Because makeup is fucking great for a guy.

A/N: HEY HEY! It took me at least three hours to find the picture of gerards house. I already had one in mind but I wanted to have a pic for you guys, and I can't exactly project my thoughts, even though that would be awesome! Don't fo drugs kids!- L

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