Personal Headcanons

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       - Stuck up to an extent, relatively good sense of justice.  

       - Will defend an argument he knows is wrong for the sake of his pride

       - Heirophants actually p bloodthirsty tbh 

       - When distracted he has a hard time controlling heirophant 

       - Ever since he was donuted, he's now become super suspicous of clocks. He refuses to have loud or ticking clocks in his room.  It's all digital, or all quiet. 

       - A know-it-all, wont hesitate to say a snarky comment or remark about any subject

       - Sometimes his quick mouth gets him into trouble, though he's usually cautious about what he says.

        - will protect his and his friends honor, gets pissed when anybody questions it 

        - hugecrushonjootletsbehonesthere-

        - Speaking of love, he's actually p smooth and rather flirtatous 

        - Confident, but sensitive about his hobbies (his artwork, writing, ect.) 


        -  Has a vv short temper (obviously) even if he hides it sometimes

         -  is usually relatively as graceful as a dude of his stature can get 

         - unless he's distracted.  then he's a clumsy mess

         -  A usually slow talker, as he likes to choose his words carefully 

          - yeah dont insult him or his friends pls he'll ORA you

          - When Joot balls his emotions up a lot, Star Platinum will become more emotional and comfort him (to an extent.  stands are almost a projection of the soul, and even though he may want to express his emotions, star wont nessesarily always show that.) 

          - really awkward around kakyoin ahahah i wonder why 

          - honestly so awkward somebody help him 


        - big pillar of french internal screaming

        - dont bring up his sister or family. d o n t. 

       - quite possibly more egotistical than kakyoin, and that's quite an acompishment

        - really, really wants love

         - is just confused all the time 

         - though he can be a coward, he's very persistant when it comes to protecting his friends and family. 

          - still feels like an idiot that he cried over avdol when he wasnt even dead

           - speaking of avdol 

           -  c o u g h s 


      - actually rather fun to hang around once he relaxes around you

       - highkey has his adorable moments 

       - isn't sure whether he wants to punch or kiss polnareff.  might do both. 

       - really defensive about his pride when he feels attacked 

       - looks really hot in glasses and wont admit it 

       -  really enjoys kakyoins company, epecially if hes trying to relax

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