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Hello everybody! This one is kind of sad and all over the place. I might update with some Jotakak soon, not sure. Thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoy!!


Seeing somebody in a wheelchair, unable to walk isn't usually a tear-jerking sight. It's usually common. It's normal, right? Kakyoin now has a new feeling of sympathy for the people with walking disabilities. He, after all, was now one of them.

God, he hated this. He hated feeling stuck. Stuck in his house. Stuck in his room. Stuck in this- this wheelchair. Stuck in his own body. Though his day was already really melancholy, he was feeling even worse. He wished he could leave this place, but the only thoughts he could escape to where of sad ones. Ones that brought him utter agony and waves of paranoia. Ones that made him sick to his stomach. That made his closed wounds ache all over again.

Noriaki stared out the window, trying to ignore the all too familiar gentle and uncomfortable pressure gathering in his throat and around his cheeks and eyes. He didn't want to think of what happened, but he just couldn't seem to keep his mind off of it. Though he desperately wanted to think back on all the good times with his best friends, reminders of the death and destruction that was brought along with it quickly whisked all those good memories away. All the lives lost. The people that DIO mercilessly slaughtered without another thought. He could have been one of those.

He felt so guilty. He knew he wasn't the best person. He was a coward, and at times extremely too apathetic. Couldn't there be a better, more innocent life that could have been saved instead of him? At this point, he would be grateful. Thinking hurt. Breathing hurt. Hell, even living in general hurt. He felt so broken and out of place.

He scolded himself for being so sensitive, focusing back on reality. He was... crying? He let out a sharp, uneasy breath. He never thought he would be this emotional about something so seemingly stupid. He should be happy, shouldn't he? He and his friends defeated an evil, horrible, monster! This was one of the happy endings he always pictured in his head. That the heroes would all have happy endings. That's just how it worked, right? Right? In books, art, and even videogames, the heroes usually got what they deserved.

Was he really a hero?

Was he?

Maybe he deserved this, he thought to himself, and as he did he slumped even more against the window. Was this a happy ending..? Clouds where starting to cover the sun in the sky. It seemed his negative mood was affecting more than him.

Staring at the calming scenery started to ease his emotions a little. He felt his breathing become easier, and the tears dry on his face. At least DIO was stopped, and if this was the end result of it, so be it. Sacrifices had to be made.


Was his really that important?

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