I Try My Best || Jotakak

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   "Hn. Yeah?" 

   "Do you want to try.. to kiss?"

   Jotaro felt his heart stop, and Noriaki looked over curiously.  God, Nori was so pretty.. he had cute little eyelashes that he (knowingly or unknowingly, Jotaro still couldn't decide.) batted at him whenever he had a question.  He stayed quiet, face heating up as his eyes took in the sight of his thin lips.  They weren't ugly, just.. unique.  Quirky.  In a way only his strange boyfriend could pull off.  

   It was adorable.  

  "Jojo?"  Kakyoin asks again, voice careful and gentle.  Again, the flutter of his eyelashes.  Jotaro gulped.  He felt big and awkward when he was around Nori, more so than usual.  He fiddled with his hands.  Kiss.  Would Noriaki really like that?  He hadn't kissed anybody before.  How do you kiss somebody?  "Are you okay..?  You're sweating.."  

     Noriaki reached up, gently stroking Jotaro's cheek.  The teen let his eyelids droop half-way, leaning into the touch.  He allowed a quiet whimper to escape his lips, a mixture of embarassment an love spreading through him.  

   "I understand if you're not ready.. we can--"  

    "No.  Let's do it."  Jotaro suddenly agreed, turning more towards the other boy.  Noriaki looked unsure, eyes making eye contact with him before falling to the floor. He shifted slightly, leaning back into the sofa.  The shorter boy's eyes met with taller's, a flash of self-conciousness running through them.  He hadn't done anything like this with anybody else either.  

   "Are you sure you're comfortable wi--" 

  Jotaro sighed, abruptly leaning down and planting his lips onto his boyfriend's.  Kakyoin gasped at the sensation. They stayed like that, lips locked onto one anothers.  Jotaro felt his face heat up.  Noriaki's lips were slightly chapped, but still soft and warm none the less.  He liked this, he thinks.  Maybe they should do this more often. Was there another step to this?  What if Nori thought he was weird or stupid for not knowing, or didn't want to kiss him again?? What if-

   Noriaki pulled back, a quiet (super awkward) laugh exiting his throat.  He scoots closer to the delinquent.  Jotaro slumps over, hiding his face between his hands.  

   This was going to take some time, wasn't it. 

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