Jotakak || Flowers

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Just an authors note!! 

I'm going to start labeling these chapters so that people can pick what they prefer to read! 

This was inspired by an idea from @monokowritesstuff !! enjoy !! 

Please share, vote, and comment !! Polite critiques are welcomed !! 


It was a couple of weeks after the journey ended, but yet Jotaro still felt uneasiness rest inside of his chest and tension brewing in his gut.  

Though his brain was telling him everything was fine, his heart told him otherwise.  

He hated the confiction. 

He hated feeling so torn up over what was supposed to be an honorable win.  

He hated feeling itself. 

Feeling betrayed is hard to cope with by itself, but when you feel betrayed by yourself, it's a whole new experience. 

He sighed a little, shifting from laying on his side onto his back, trying not to recall any memories of the adventure but failing miserably.  The soft blankets and sheets surrounding him made his mind turn to the nights spent with his only friends, especially Kakyoin. 

Ah, Kakyoin.. 

He let out a longer, more strained sigh.  He missed him.  And as much as he'd like to deny it, he missed him terribly.  His death was almost surreal.  One moment he was there, and the next..  

It was so hard to wrap his head around.  He had gained four friends and lost three of them in the process.  He wished he could escape these pointless thoughts.  He should be proud they managed to do so much.  He should feel happy for them, as they died honorable deaths.  After all, the villian was defeated.  Why was he so.. so bothered by this!?

He felt his face curl up with frusturation as everything he tried to dismiss throughout the day came surging into his head.  He wished he had something else to focus on.  He wished the world would stop being so overwhelming.  

The darkness was not helping.  

Jotaro awoke the next morning with a splitting headache.  

Could it be the lack of sleep?  Highly possible. But he had things to do, and he wouldn't the stupid thing get in his way.  So he got up despite the dull throbbing, willing himself to crawl out of his bed.  He checked out the window, squinting at the light.  At least there was nice weather out today.  He let out a little sigh.  Kakyoin would love to paint this, he loves sunrises and sunsets-- 

Kakyoin isn't alive anymore.

Kakyoin will never paint another picture.

Kakyoin will never see another sunrise, or a sunset. 

Kakyoin will never see.  

Kakyoin is gone, forever.  And there's nothing he can do about it. 

Jotaro's facial expression goes from his standard annoyed-looking expression to a slight snarl, lower lip erected just enough out to give it a saddened, pouty look.  The young man lets a long sigh escape his lips, allowing himself to hunch dissapointedly and walk out of the room. 

He makes his way to the kitchen, and was pleseantly suprised to see that his mother was not there.  Though slightly shocked at first, he eventually remembered what exactly he had to do and why.  It was her birthday.  He groaned, rolling his eyes.  He began to prepare himself breakfast.  What should he do for her birthday?  Even though he wasn't anything close to a materialistic person, he knew people liked getting presents for their birthdays in America.  It wasn't that big of a thing in Japan, but with how close he came to losing her it might be nice.

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