Jotakak || Flowers - P. 2

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Hi I'm obsessed with Jotakak okay 

enjOY - 


    Once Noriaki had pulled himself together relatively well, the two gently let go of each other.  They didn't nessesarily want to, but neither wanted it to get too awkward.  Kakyoin carefully slipped his hands underneath his glasses, rubbing them.  

    Jotaro had to fight back a huge grin.  Now that the initial shock was over, what else could he do but be glad that the closest person he had ever gotten to was still alive? 

   "I'm so sorry I hadn't seen you sooner, Jotaro.  You know I would have if I could, but my parents-" He cuts himself off, but the other young man understands.  He knew that the Kakyoins loved their son very, very much, and could be quite overprotective of him.  He would usually have gotten mad at this, but he decided for once in his life he would let something go.  It wasn't a time to be sad, or angry, he decided. 

   Neither of them knew how to express their graditute towards their encounter.  So once an unwanted silence settled, Kakyoin looked around the flower-filled shop, smiling brightly and letting out a soft, content sigh.  "So you said something about needing flowers-?" He let out a little short laugh.  

   Jotaro nodded, giving up on trying to hide his grin.  "Yeah.  It's mom's birthday."  He responds, shoving his hands in his pockets.   

   Kakyoin hums with thought.  "Then we need to get her something extra special, hmm?" He snorts softly, glancing up at Jotaro to see his reaction.  Although he would admit that she was beautiful for her age, she wasn't really.. his type.  Plus, she was Jotaro's mom.  So much about this is wrong.  But he didn't care.  He just wanted to get a kick out of seeing Jotaro pissed.  

  Luckily for him, he got exactly what he wanted.  The taller boy's grin turned into a frusturated, dissapointed frown.  He sighs loudly, squinting at him.  He rubs his face.  "I thought we were over this." 

   Noriaki struggles to hold back little giggles, putting a hand over his mouth to snuff them out.  It wasn't working.  Jotaro's face just got progressively more entertaining as more and more distaste drew his expressions sharper.  

   "Shut it, Noriaki."  He snaps playfully, adjusting his hat.  Yare yare.  This guy needs to be quiet before he forgets what he wanted to do in the first place. 

   He came here for flowers. 

   Of course, the redhead couldn't help but laugh at the other male.  "You shut up! I was joking! You're face scrunches up funny and it's great! You should see yourself, you look like a cross between a cat and a boar--" and with that Jotaro took off his hat and shoved it onto Kakyoin's head.   

   "Hey!"  Noriaki shouts, trying to remain quiet and somewhat professional in this work environment; Jotaro was making this hard on him despite his best efforts.  "Watch the glasses!"  Jotaro huffed,  enjoying the sight of Kakyoin fumbling with his hat and trying to re-position his glasses.  It was adorable, this fluffy redhead needed to be stopped before his cuteness hurt somebody! 

  Needless to say, the tall male muttered yet another 'yare yare daze' to himself, grabbing his hat and tucking it under his arm.  "Help me with the flowers.  Stop being trouble." 

  Noriaki smirks with triumph, nodding.  He felt an overwhelming amount of pride when he manages to get Jotaro rialed up, and even though he didn't really react too much this time, he'd be sure to push his buttons later.  

 Politely, he waited for Jotaro to move out of the way since he really couldn't move around him in his wheelchair.  The shop was relatively small,  so navigating about it was quite a hassle.  He kind of stared at his shoes, willing them to move.  Would it be rude to  ask him to move?  He shrugged a little to himself.   

   "Hey Jotaro, can you, um, move more the other direction?"  Oh no, was this awkward?  

   He seems startled, blinking a few times.  "Oh.  Yeah."  He frowns a litle, stepping out of the way.   A sad feeling welled up in his gut as he began questioning how hurt Kakyoin really was.  He wanted to ask, but feared it would be too soon.  So he dismissed it, hoping to remember to bring it up later.  He didn't want to make Noriaki feel uncomfortable. 

  Kakyoin let out a soft sigh, staring glumly at the floor as he began to manuever his way out of the space between the counter and the wall.  He easily lost his patience when it came to his way of transportation, but what else could he do?  He could barely walk.  He supposed he should be grateful for his life, but minuscule thoughts appeared in the back of his mind telling him that maybe it would've been better if he had died.  Then he wouldn't stress people out. 

   Maybe Jotaro saw it on his face.  Maybe he was too readable, but Jotaro gently placed a hand on his shoulder once more.  "Do you need any help?" he asked.  It was rare to see him ask other people for help, and it was almost amusing to see it happen in an unimportant, small flowershop in a big town.  

   Despite inwardly wanting the help, he scoffed, putting on a determined face.  "I don't need your help! Just because I'm stuck in a wheelchair most of the time, doesn't mean I can't fend for myself." He playfully shoves his hand off of him, punching the other lightly in the lower abdomen.   

   "I'm just trying to help."  Jotaro huffs, shooting him a little glare.

    "I know.  I don't care."  He rolls over to a brightly colored array of small flowers with some difficulty, but the pretty sight relaxes him and returns a calm expression to his face.

    After a lot of (adorable) bickering, the two finally decided on a selection of flowers to give to Jotaro's mom.  Despite their outward appearances, both couldn't be happier for the time being.  Noriaki handed spare change back to Jotaro, sliding the flowers forward from the counter.  

   "Don't be afraid to come here, even if you aren't going to buy anything.  I'm here every day, except for sundays.  I could use some company."  The truth to his words was saddening, but still.  Jotaro allowed himself to have a small smile, just this once.  

   "Of course, Kakyoin." 

Noriaki Kakyoin was alive. 

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