Almost || Jotakak

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   I'm sorry!! I don't think this is very good, I lost inspiration half way through, and most of it was written in a sleep-exhausted haze.  Thank you for reading! Enjoy!!


   Jotaro was relaxed.  Well, as relaxed as he could be after almost losing his best friends.  

   The months following the defeat of Dio was almost as hard as the battle itself.  Though Jotaro wasn't injured that badly, Kakyoin was.   Seeing him in so much pain made him wish he could've taken his place.  It was hard to push thoughts of anger and hurt aside. The "what if"s and the "if I just"s  haunted his brain, making dealing and talking about his problems a lot harder than it already was.

  Everything was fine now.  That's what Noriaki told him, and he'd chosen to believe it.  Jotaro trusted Noriaki more than anything, despite their confusing relationship.  Did kisses mean you were a couple now?  He didn't say anything directly about wanting to be in a relationship.  Jotaro didn't blame him.  There was enough on both of their minds, and right now he didn't want to work through those problems.  

   He felt his heart flutter a little and his breath catch in his throat as he felt the other shift in his sleep.  It had been harder to sleep after coming back home.  Despite destroying Dio and returning back to his normal life, he never felt nearer to the vampire than he did now.  But just for tonight, Jotaro shoved those thoughts aside. The only person close to him was Kakyoin, and he was perfectly fine with that.  

   The seventeen-year-old allowed his eyes to droop and his breathing to slow.  Sleep sounded good right about now, and even though he would love to just listen to Noriaki's breathing for a little longer, the reassurace might turn on its head and leave him paranoid.  He wasn't sure, though.  It was hard for him to decipher what he was feeling.  Jotaro didn't have to try hard to put up the illusion of being callous at all times.  His efforts were pointless. Kakyoin learned to read Jotaro better than he could read himself.

      He was just about to fall asleep when he heard a soft "..Jotaro..?" coming from the other male. 

     "Mm.. yeah?"  he said, inwardly retreating at how tired he sounded.  He would notice and worry-- 

      "Jotaro?"  The other asks, voice a little louder.  Jotaro felt Noriaki sit up.  That's unusual.  Noriaki has a hard time sitting up.  Something must be wrong.  He rubbed his eyes, propping himself up against the wall and shoving blankets aside.  

      "Yeah.  I'm here. Whats--"  Oh.  Oh.


    Why was there blood?


    God, no, please- 

      "Jojo, I don't feel well."  The other male speaks up, eyes wide in confusion and fear.  It soon became apparent to Jotaro that the other male was clutching his stomach with one hand, and holding his mouth with the other.  

      "I'm takin' you to the bathroom. 'tsee whats wrong."  Jotaro felt dizzy.  He didn't want to lose him again.  No.  Not a second time.  This wasn't fair.  The world couldn't do that- Noriaki didn't deserve it.. Jotaro gently lifted Kakyoin up, dread seeping through him as he realized how light he was.  He felt so weak and frail, it scared him.  It scared him a lot. 

   Noriaki didn't put up much of a protest.  Jotaro started to walk, nudging him gently. "Mm. Nori?  Talk to me."  He opened the door to the bathroom, setting the other down gently.   The other male doesn't respond.  

   Jotaro couldn't think straight.  He kneeled down on the cool tile floor, putting a hand on his "friend"'s knee.  Think. Think.  What should he do? What should he say?  He focused on the cold floor.  Clear his mind quickly.  

   "Nori, tell me what's wrong-"  He looked up at the other, and was immediently immensely panicked by the look of him.  He was so pale, and his hands were clearly shaking badly.  His eyes were still open in fear, hand seemingly cemented upon his mouth.  A dark liquid dripped from between his fingers.  He finally responded, nodding slightly in response. He slowly removed his hand, and the ache of anxiety in Jotaro's chest worstened to the point of it feeling like a wound.

   The amount of blood dripping from Kakyoin's mouth was sickening.  Jotaro's stomach lurged.  

  "J.. Jotaro, I don't want to die- I don't want to die like this-" He started, reaching out to him.  "Jojo-" 

   "Calm down- 'Nori! You'll be fine- you're-"  

   Noriaki moved forward, holding onto Jotaro's arms.  The taller male grabbed him gently and held him, shifting to adjust to the other's position.  The red-head cries out a little, another wave of blood surging out of his mouth.  His lower lip trembles, face crumbling into pain and suffering.  Jotaro moved his hand along the side Kakyoin's cheek and jaw, trying to calm him down.  

   "Jotaro- I'm so sorry.. I guess I'm not- guess I'm not strong enough..-" Noriaki starts, eyes starting to close a little.  

  "No.  No- Noriaki don't you dare- you're gonna be fine-"  Jotaro felt tears start to come from his eyes.  He would be embarassed and try to hide it, but.. Noriaki was dying in front of him.  He was holding him as he was dying.

   Kakyoin weakly lifted a hand up to the other's face.  "I'm sorry.." His voice was so quiet, so weak.. 

   For the first time in a long time, Jotaro broke down and started to cry.  "..Nori-" His voice broke, disspearing into choked sobs.  Kakyoin went limp. 

   For the second time, Jotaro failed to save Kakyoin.  

   For the second time, Kakyoin has died.  This wasn't fair.  Why- Why couldn't they just be happy together- why couldn't- 

  "Jotaro? Jotaro!  Hey, wake up- you're having a nightmare-"  Kakyoin shook Jotaro gently, propping himself up wth his elbow.  Jotaro awoke with a slight start, staring blankly at Noriaki with tears rolling down his face.  It was just a dream.. 

  Kakyoin gently reached out and stroked Jotaro's tear-stroked cheek.  "It's okay, Jojo.  Please calm down.." Jotaro let out another choked sob, wrapping his arms around the soft-spoken male.  

   "It'll be okay, Jojo.  I'm here." 

    He's here. 

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