Fun Out of Life

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Adele Black: The Sequel (Percy Jackson/Harry Potter Crossover)

Fun is Gone

"KIDS!" exclaimed Mrs. Weasley one morning while I was at home. "COME DOWN HERE FOR A BIT!"

My first thought was as I tumbled out of my comfy bed was, "What did I do this time?"

I pulled on a pair of mix-matched socks, and went down the creaking stairs with Ginny and Hermione. We looked at eachother, and we all seemed to have the same thought going through our heads: "What did I do?"

I opened up the door to the parlor, where Mrs. Weasley and my father were. The boys were already in there, looking half asleep. Their hair was all messy, and Fred was wiping away the crusties from his eyes that were struggling to stay open.

I noticed that Harry was absent- oh yeah, he has that trial of his this morning! I hope he does not end up getting expelled from Hogwarts...

"Your Hogwarts letters are here! Harry has one too, so I'm guessing that he is not expelled..." Mrs. Weasley said.


As soon as Harry got back from his trial, we were all aloud to open up our letters. I heard Hermione shriek with delight. 

"What? Did you become a prefect?" I asked her, curious.

She nodded, eagerly. I smiled and gave her a hug. "Congrats! I was not expecting me to be prefect. It'd take all the fun out of life."

"And because you have caused too much trouble to recieve the badge." she teased me.

"Oh, shut up." I said.

Together, we went over to Harry and Ron's room. I saw Harry holding a prefects' badge, but I also saw the look on Ron's face.

"Congarts, Ron!" I said, happy for him.

"How'd you know that he had gotten prefect?" asked Harry, curious, because nobody had said anything to us girls when we got here.

"Ah, dear, dear Harry, it was his facial expression. Daughter of Athena, remember?" I smirked.

"Always has a plan." Ron muttered.

"You're all just lucky I did not get the badge. Remember, Athena always has a plan." I said to them in a mysterious voice as I walked out of the room in a creepy manner.

The problem that I faced at that momment as I walked out of the room in creepy manner was running straight into George as he apparated to the spot that I was in.

"Careful there, 'Dele." he smiled at me.

"I am careful." I smiled.

"Sure you are." he said as he kissed my temple.

"Did my dad talk to you?"

"Nah, I made it so Fred had the talk instead of me. He's gonna tell me everything later."

"Oh my Gods, George." I said, rolling my eyes.

"You know you love me."

"Yes, yes I do, Georgie."

He then kissed me with passion, and I wrapped my arms around his neck, and he wrapped his around my waist. Slowly, George made his way to my jawline, and I messed up his short, ginger hair.

"Georgie... Red flag, red flag." I said as he made his way to my neck. 

He respected my orders and pulled away.

"That's one of the reasons that I love you, you know. That you respect my wishes." I whispered.

"A reason that I love you is because you know when to stop."

I smiled and grabbed his hand and together we raced down to the parlor, where my dad waas talking to 'George'.

I could not help but laugh. Unfourtunatley, my dad heard me and turnned around.

"This is Fred, isn't it?" he asked, pointing at the boy who he was talking to.

I nodded, and laughed as George gulped.

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