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Adele Black: The Sequel


To say that I was in a pleasant mood would be a lie; I was in a horrible one.

I had gotten myself suspended last night from punching Pansy. It was the Toad herself that did it, and McGonagall seemed to be upset.

Not upset with me- she was proud that I punched the bitch, she had even said so as she pulled me aside- but she was upset with Umbridge. And Dumbledore.

Hades, everyone's upset with Dumbledore these days...

But anyways, here I sat in the kitchen of my home. I was wearing a pair of blue fuzzy pajama pants with little grey owls on them and an old faded orange Camp Half Blood shirt. I wore purple Micky Mouse slippers and my dark hair was in a messy bun on top of my head.

Nobody here had discovered my arrival yet.

Almost as if Zeus was messing with me, Dad came down the stairs and yawned.

"'Dele? What- aren't you suppose to be at school?"

"I got suspended," I mumbled.

Dad sat down across from me.

"If I had not been in Azkaban, I probably would have congratulated you. But since I was in Azkaban, I have to say that I'm disappointed in you."

"I am too. Mom is disappointed probably."

"I don't think she is." Dad said.

"Why?" I replied, curious.

"Because she knows that you were defending not just yourself, but her as well."

I gave a small smile.

"What am I suppose to do for one week?"

"Clean?" Dad sugested.

I looked at him with disgust on my face, "And find my grandmothers bra under the couch again? I think not!"

At that moment, my father and I looked at each other in the eyes. We burst out laughing.


There was an Order Meeting taking place, and of course I was not aloud in. Surprise, surprise, huh?


Wearing my red and fluffy pajama pants with little snowflakes in them and George's practice jersey and my slippers, I sat on my bed and called for Kreacher.

"Kreacher?" I had whisper yelled, hoping that he would obey me.

There was a short and snappy POP!

The house elf appeared.

"Yes, my lady?" He bowed to me.

I rolled my eyes, "Kreacher, please call me Adele."

"Alright, Adele." He bowed.

"Kreacher, please sit."

He sat down on the floor in the criss-cross-apple sauce position.

"Could you please tell me about a locket?" I kindly asked.

He reluctantly nodded, "Certainly, Adele."


And so, Kreacher began to tell me the tale of the locket....


Hahahahahhahahhhaha did you honestly think I'd ruin the suprise of the locket???

Hahahahahhahahhhaha I'm soooooooooooooooooooooo evil!!

Adele Black: The Sequel (Percy Jackson/Harry Potter Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now