Let's Party

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The pic on the side is of Sawyer >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

I actually uploaded before 10pm!


"So he just invited you to a party?" Norah asked from her spot on my bed.

"Yeah," I replied without looking up from my math textbook.

"After he gave you a ride home?" she asked, and I shot her a look.

"Yeah, Norah. The story hasn't changed at since the last time you asked me." Norah and I had become fast friends over the last week, and after telling her about my encounter with Griffin, she couldn't stop asking about it.

"Sorry," she said, letting her body fall back onto my bed. "So are you going to go to the party tonight?" she asked finally.

I sighed. To my annoyance, I'd been thinking about whether or not to go all week. Kaia would no doubt be there, which sucked, but it also posed an opportunity, since bugging that girl was just so much fun. Plus, I'd never been to a high school party.

"Will you go with me?" I asked, and Norah's eyes widened.

"I'm not sure," she replied, sitting up. "I'm kinda shy, and if you hadn't noticed, I'm not part of that 'crowd'." Norah explained, putting air quotes around the last word.

"Neither am I," I retorted. "I don't want to go by myself, and you're seriously the only friend I've got here, so it's your duty to come with me." I made my eyes all big, and Norah groaned.

"I'll only come if I can borrow something from your closet!" she cried, and I pumped my fist in the air victoriously. Norah's parents apparently were insanely strict, and they only bought her conservative clothes that made her look lumpy and awkward.

If someone actually put some flattering clothes on the girl, styled her hair and added some mascara and eyeliner, Norah would be a total babe.

"That's fine," I said, and I glanced at the clock. "Is it required to go to the lacrosse game before the party?" I asked.

Norah tipped her head to the side and thought for a moment. "Yeah, it's probably a good idea to go."

"Then we should get ready because the game is in an hour," I said, and I slammed my textbook shut. I strolled over to my wardrobe and pulled the doors open. I was flipping through the clothes when I heard Norah on her cell phone.

"Hey, Mom, is it cool if I sleep over at Sawyer's?" she asked, and when she caught me staring, she mouthed if that was okay. I waved my hand dismissively, since Grandma Aggie told me that as long as it wasn't a school night, I could have friends over. She really wanted me to feel at home here.

Norah hung up after a minute, and then she came to stand next to me at the wardrobe. As I sifted through the clothes, Norah stuck her hand in and pulled out a loose-fitting black dress. "Can I wear this?" she asked.

"Yeah," I replied, "It'll look really good on you!"

"Okay," Norah said, draping the dress over my arm, "I'll be right back. I'm just going to change in the bathroom." I nodded and then went back to searching for the perfect outfit. Finally, I settled on loose-fitting turquoise top and a pair of gray, ripped skinny jeans. Just as I slipped my feet into a pair of gladiator sandals, Norah reentered the room.

"Wow," I said, "You look hot, dude." Norah blushed, but I wasn't lying. The black dress hugged her curves, but it wasn't at all too revealing. However, something was missing to complete the outfit.

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