Climbing the Roof

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Minimal mistakes, hopefully all grammatical.


"Oh, Twilight Sparkle! There's a party and Pinky Pie's house tonight!"

"I can't go, Fluttershy. I've got to read all these books."

"Are you sure?" I asked in my Fluttershy voice. I made the plastic horse bop across the carpet to the purple one clutched in Mia's hand. "Pinky Pie's going to have cake!"

Mia made Twilight Sparkle go off on this whole tangent about why she had to research, and I held back laughter. Griffin had asked if I wanted to come over after school to hang out, but as soon as I'd walked through the door, Mia had claimed me as her playmate. So, for the past half hour, it had been My Little Ponies time.

Just as the ponies were going to Pinky pie's party, someone knocked on the door of Mia's bedroom. I looked up to see Griffin grinning at us, and I gave him a "save me" expression. He nodded, and then came to sit down between Mia and myself.

"Is it my turn with Sawyer?" he asked Mia, making his eyes all wide and sticking out his bottom lip.

The seven-year-old frowned and scrunched up her nose. She looked from me to Griffin and sighed loudly. "Fine!" Mia said, "But we have to have another play date soon!"

"Of course," I replied, and Griffin helped me to my feet. "I'll see you later, Mia," I said, giving her a quick squeeze, and then Griffin and I walked out of her room. We walked downstairs together, and as Griffin led me closer to the front door, I asked, "Where are we going?"

"I thought we'd go for a walk," Griffin said, blushing. "We don't have to, though."

"No," I said, the corners of my mouth turning up into a grin, "A walk sounds perfect." Griffin smiled, and his fingers laced through mine. We slipped out the front door and started to stroll down the middle of the road. "Any specific destination?" I asked, the wind whipping my hair around my head.

"There's an old school about a block away," Griffin answered, "I figured we could go there." I nodded, and we resumed walking in silence.

I was so happy that Griffin and I were back together. I'd missed him, but I don't think I knew how much until we had reconciled. Now, I knew how much I cared about our relationship, and I didn't want to mess it up again. However, we still hadn't talked about what I'd told Griffin, and I couldn't figure out why he hadn't mentioned it.

We turned onto a different street and the school Griffin had been talking about came into view. It was one story and looked abandoned. There was cardboard in the place of some of the windows, and the bricks that served as the walls looked like they were crumbling. There wasn't a playground or bench in sight, which confused me.

"Where are we going to sit?" I asked, gesturing towards the empty space.

"There," Griffin replied, pointing towards the school.

"I don't think so," I replied, gesturing towards the doors, "There are chains around the doors. We won't be able to get in."

Griffin laughed. "I didn't mean go in the school; I meant go on top of it," he explained.

"Seriously?" I asked, gaping at him. "Isn't that trespassing or something?"

"Yeah," Griffin replied simply, "You're point is?" I opened my mouth to respond and call him crazy, but the idea of climbing onto the roof of a school was strangely thrilling, so I just nodded and followed him to the side of the school. We walked around the perimeter of the building until we came to the garbage pickup.

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