It can't be

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The picture on side is Danny (read on to find out who Danny is) >>>>>>>>>>>>


"Did you wash this?" I asked, holding up Griffin's away lacrosse jersey.

"Why?" Griffin said, feigning offense. "Do you not find my man stink sexy?"

I snorted. "No. Sorry, babe, but absolutely not." I took a risk and sniffed the jersey, and I sighed in relief as the laundry detergent scent flooded my nostrils. "Thank god," I breathed, and I pulled the jersey on over my white, long-sleeve shirt.

I glanced at the reflection of my back in the gleam of the nearby trophy case, and smiled at Griffin's last name and number emblazed in electric blue on the black fabric. I glanced at Griffin and smiled. "We match now," I said, pointing at the home jersey that he was wearing.

Griffin laughed, and he slung his arm over my shoulder. "I gotta go," I said, but he didn't let go of me. Griffin had caught me before my math class so that he could give me my jersey, and now, I was pretty sure that I was late. "Seriously, Griff," I said, "My teacher is going to kill me!"

"Just a minute," he replied, pulling me snug to him. "I just want everyone here to notice that you're wearing my jersey, and that you're officially my girlfriend."

I rolled my eyes and pushed myself away from Griffin's chest. "Dude, I think that as I walk around school, people will get the idea. But, I think Mrs. Doyle seriously hates me, and I don't want a detention."

Griffin sighed. "Fine," he said, and I reached up and gave him a lingering kiss. Then, I pulled my backpack back on my shoulders, and I hurried across the hallway to my math class. I burst through the door only to have every pair of eyes on me.

"Well," said Mrs. Doyle, her hand on her hip at the front of the classroom. "Thank you for joining us, Miss Dawson." I nodded as my cheeks flushed, and I rushed down the aisle to my desk next to Norah.

"Nice jersey," Norah whispered, and I glanced over at her to find that she was wearing Colby's jersey as well.

"Yours isn't too bad either," I commented, and we grinned at each other.

As the boring math class went on, I couldn't help but feel a glare burning into the back of my skull. I turned around to find Kaia and her clones staring at me with narrowed eyes. Her face was practically green with envy, which I found particularly amusing.

I winked at her, just to piss her off, and I swear, smoke was practically pouring out of her ears.

Math class ended with Mrs. Doyle handing everyone a giant review packet and giving me an evil eye. Norah and I walked out into the hallway and strolled through the hallway towards our lockers. People were whispering, and I knew that it was about us.

Actually, probably more about Norah then myself. From the small pieces of conversations I'd managed to catch, other students couldn't understand why a lacrosse stud like Colby would go for a bookworm like Norah. As for myself and Griffin, I mostly heard that Kaia was going to kill me.

Bring it.


"Bye Grandma!" I said, waving goodbye to Grandma Aggie as I shut the car door. As she peeled away from the curb, I turned and started walking out the turf field where the lacrosse game was just about to start.

I hopped up the metal bleacher steps and searched the stands for Norah, who'd told me that she'd saved me a seat. I spotted her, with her nose in a book of course, and I smiled to myself before calling out her name. Norah's head shot up, and as she focused on me, she closed her book and waved me over.

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