Please Don't Die

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Scuse the mistakes ma peeps



Sawyer staggered backwards, and I took her in my arms. I fell to my knees and cradled her in my arms. Her eyes fluttered around wildly and her chest rose and fell sporadically. The bullet had lodged into her right shoulder, and blood seeped from the wound.

Sawyer, why? I screamed in my mind, and tears started to blur my vision.

"She must love you."

My head snapped up, and my eyes narrowed into slits at Marcus. He looked surprised at what Sawyer had done, but his gun was still raised. "She's going to die if you don't let me get her out of here," I spat, a tear slipping from the corner of my eye.

Marcus shrugged. "That's not my problem," he said, "Anyways, you'll see her in a little bit." Then, he cocked his gun and smirked.

My eyes widened, and I tried to prepare myself for my inevitable death. The problem is: how is anyone supposed to prepare for dying? Suddenly, a gunshot rang out and I squeezed my eyes shut and waited for the fatal bullet.

But it never came.

My eyes snapped open to find Marcus crumpled on the ground and Danny standing behind him, a gun gripped tightly in his hand. Then, Danny hurried over to where Sawyer and I were on the floor, and handed me a phone. "Call 911," he said, and he started to rummage in Marcus's pockets.

My fingers fumbled over the keypad, and I was frustrated with how long it took me to punch in those simple three numbers. I pressed it to my ear and could feel my heart beat faster and faster with every ring. Finally, someone answered.

"911, what's your emergency?"

"My girlfriend," I shouted, glancing down at Sawyer, "She's been shot!"

"Where are you, Sir?" the woman asked, her voice deadly serious.

"I, I don't know exactly," I answered honestly, "It's a warehouse, and I think it's near-" Suddenly, the phone went dead, and I swore loudly. I looked at the screen to see that there was no service, and I yelled loudly.

"What happened?" Danny asked, coming back over to Sawyer and me.

"There's no phone service," I croaked, and I dropped the phone onto the floor next to me. "What do we do now?"

"They trace every call, so the ambulance is on its way," Danny stated, and he started to take Sawyer out of my lap. I fought to keep her, but Danny held up a key. "I'm just trying to unlock her handcuffs."

I nodded and reluctantly let him take her in his arms. As he pulled the handcuffs off her wrists, Sawyer whimpered and her eyes opened slightly. "Ow," she whispered.

"Stay awake," Danny ordered as he laid her down gently. "Talk to us."

"I'm tired," Sawyer declared, and her eyes started to close again. I leaned over her and cupped her cheek. I couldn't let her fall asleep because I had no idea if she'd ever wake up again.

"Don't go to sleep, Sawyer," I said, trying to keep my voice from sounding too panicked. "If you fall asleep, I won't be able to tell you something."

"What?" she asked and she coughed for a moment, and a small bit of blood dribble from the side of her mouth.

"I love you," I said, smiling down at her. Sawyer's bloody lips curled up into a small grin, and I watched as she fought to keep her eyes open.

"I love you, too," Sawyer replied hoarsely. Despite the situation, I felt my heart leap. The girl I love loved me back. It was an amazing feeling. Now, I had more reason than ever to keep her alive at all costs.

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