Strange Visitors

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Excuse the Mistakes

Dedicated to laywertobe because her comments are always really amusing ;)


"Does this look like a hat to you?"

I glanced up from my magazine to look at the misshapen lump of yarn in Norah's hands and burst out laughing. Norah frowned and dropped the yarn into her lap. "Shut up! My grandma taught me how to knit, but I don't think I'm doing it right."

"Neither do I," I replied, trying and failing to stifle my giggles.

Norah just rolled her eyes and resumed stabbing the ball of yarn with her knitting needles. Griffin's mom had made him go home and sleep in an actual bed, and Grandma Aggie had gone into work to log a few hours, since she'd stayed with me all day yesterday.

So, I'd called Norah to come keep me company. I'd told her everything about my dad, Marcus, Danny; at least, almost everything. I hadn't told her about Griffin coming to save me because I'd told the police I couldn't remember what had happened. I didn't want to tell anyone the truth other than the people who already knew it because I didn't want to get anyone in trouble.

Suddenly, I sensed another presence in the room and looked up to find Kaia lingering just outside the door. As soon as she saw that I'd caught sight of her, Kaia walked hesitantly in the room.

"Hey Sawyer," she said nervously, clutching a bouquet of bright flowers in front of her body.

"Um, hi," I replied uncertainly.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Norah demanded, and my eyes widened. I'd never heard Norah swear before.

"I deserve that," Kaia said sadly, "I just came to talk to Sawyer along."

"I don't think so!" Norah replied just as I said yes. Her head snapped to me and she answered, "Are you sure?"

"Yeah," I said, "I'll be fine." Norah nodded, and her eyes narrowed as she pushed past Kaia and walked out of the room. Kaia placed the bouquet of flowers on the table with the others and perched on the chair that Griffin had been sitting in earlier.

I watched as her eyes scanned my body, taking in my cast, and the bandages peeking out from my hospital gown. Her face seemed to drain of all color, and she didn't say a word.

"What did you want to talk about?" I said, finally done waiting for Kaia to break the awkward silence.

"I just wanted to apologize," Kaia replied, "I did some research about your past because I was jealous about your relationship with Griffin. Then, I spread it around because I wanted to drive a wedge between you two."

She paused, waiting for me to respond, but I didn't know how. I had no idea that she would do something like that just to drive Griffin and I apart. Sure, I had ideas, but none of them were that serious.

"I had no idea how dangerous your situation was," Kaia continued nervously. "It wasn't my place to tell people about your past, so I'm really sorry. I hope you can forgive me, Sawyer."

"I accept your apology," I replied after a moment. "However, next time you decide to talk about people behind their backs, you should consider how it will affect them."

"Yeah," Kaia said, "You're right. I'm a bitch, I get it. Sometimes, I really hate who I am, and I hate the things I do to people."

"Then why don't you change?" I asked, "You're the only one who can change who you are. Griffin told me about the girl he dated when you guys were together, and I think that she sounded pretty great."

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