That Didn't Go as Planned...

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Pic on the side is of Griffin.... Dayum! >>>>>>>>>>>>

Scusie the mistakes


The bell rang, signaling the end of the period, and I gathered my English notebook into my arms. I filed out of the classroom behind everyone else, and to my surprise and irritation, Kaia was leaned against a locker across from the door. Her body language assured me that she was waiting for me.

Kaia was by herself, and she looked pissed. I looked her up and down, and then I started down the hallway. The sound of her heels clicking across the tiled floor let me know that she was following me. Sure enough, when I stopped at my locker to get my supplies for classes after lunch, Kaia slammed her hand on the locker door, preventing me from opening it.

I sighed and turned to look at her. "What do you want, Kaia?" I asked finally.

"Word is that you have a date with my boyfriend," she said, her nostrils flaring angrily.

"Yep," I replied simply, "And according to Griffin, you guys aren't together anymore."

Kaia's face turned bright red and her jaw dropped. However, after a moment, she regained her composure and crossed her arms over her chest. "We've hit a rough patch," she sniffed, "We'll be back together soon."

"Yeah," I replied slowly, and I removed her hand from my locker and opened it. "Good luck with that, Hun," I said dismissively.

When I finished switching my supplies, I looked back up to see Kaia shaking with anger. Her eyes were narrowed into slits, her hands were balled into fists at her sides, and her jaw was clenched tightly.

Obviously, no one ever talked to her like this.

"You have no idea who you're dealing with," she hissed, taking a step towards me.

"No," I replied, suddenly dead serious. I slammed my locker door closed and gave Kaia my full attention. "You," I said, pointing at her, "have no idea who you're dealing with."

Then, I turned on my heel and walked away towards the school courtyard where I meet Norah for lunch every day. I entered the courtyard to find Norah sitting under our usual tree; only she wasn't alone. Rather, Colby was sitting next to her, whispering something in her ear and causing her to laugh.

Ever since their many rounds of pool at the party last Friday, Colby had been joining Norah and I for lunch. I'd also find them walking through the hallways together, holding hands. Colby didn't seem to care that Norah was forced to wear god-awful clothes, which made me respect him more. However,

Norah told me that she was working on getting her parents to be less strict about her clothes.

"Hey guys," I said as I padded over to them. I dropped my backpack on the grass and plopped down across from Norah and Colby.

"Hey Sawyer," Norah replied, still giggling, and Colby just smiled and waved.

I let them return to their conversation, and I pulled my paper bag lunch out of my backpack. As I unwrapped my peanut butter and banana sandwich, someone sat down next to me. I looked over to find Griffin grinning evilly at me.

"What did you do?" I asked suspiciously, my eyes narrowing.

He shrugged. "Just poured hot sauce in one of my teammates drinks without him noticing." Just as he said this, I heard someone inside the cafeteria on the other side of the courtyard yell out loudly.

"That's awful!" I said, smacking him in the arm. Norah gasped in response, and Colby just high fived Griffin.

"I know," he replied, obviously proud of himself. Then, Griffin paused before asking, "Are you free tomorrow night?"

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