Falling To Pieces

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*Authors Notes*

This story may be triggering. Please do not read it if it will put you at risk. I will make sure that I warn everyone before a triggering bit happens in any chapter, so if you decide to read, you can miss those parts out. Thank you :)


I watched his lifeless body lying there connected up to various machines trying to keep him alive in the dark wards of the now-familiar hospital. The loud noises of his every breath scared me-but relieved me at the same time. I turned around to look at my other bands members who were in each others arms then slowly turned back to look at the vunerable member of our band. No one had the courage to say anything but we all knew we were going to get through it together. No matter what the outcome. I just hope he will recover and wake up very soon....


*14 hours previous*

Luke's POV

''Luke... Why'd you take so long?'' Calum whined from the sitting room.

'' I'll be two seconds Cal-Pal'' I replied styling my hair infront of the mirror. ''This hair doesn't style itself''

'' You were doing your hair when I got up'' Ashton mumbled while brushing his teeth next to me in the small hotel bathroom. '' And I got up 15 minutes ago... and hey presto! I'm ready for the day''

''Not everyone has perfect hair like you'' I replied running my fingers through my hair for the final time.

''My hair isn't perfect'' Ashton said arrogantly as he placed his toothbrush onto the shelf. ''God, it's so messy.''

''That's why it's perfect. Even though it is messy, it works extremely well when all you have to do is shove a headband on and boom! Vogue style hair instantly.''


''Luke, Ashton we seriously have to go now. I told Michael we would meet him downstairs for breakfast in 5, ten minutes ago.'' Calum interuppted as he appeared at the door. Ashton walked out of the bathroom first. That's when I realised something was odd. Ashton was wearing one of my hoodies. The fact that it was mine wasn't odd; we all share clothes all the time. The fact that it was a hoodie is odd. Ashton always wears t-shirts or muscle tanks even on the coldest winter days so why on a warm autumn morning was he wearing a hoodie?

''Luke are you okay?'' Michael asked inbetween a bite of his bacon roll.

'' Yeah, why wouldn't I be?'' I asked pushing my full plate of a English breakfast away from me.

'' You just seem like there is alot on your mind.'' Michael answered raising one eyebrow. Michael could always read me like a book, no matter the situation.

'' You do seem really quiet Luke. I everything okay?'' Calum asked. Ashton stayed silent, looking down at his breakfast.''

'' I'm fine honestly. Just a bit tired from last night's gig.'' I lied.

''Last night was EPIC!'' Calum shouted causing people from other tables to stare.

''...That's what she said...'' Michael half whispered.

''Not to you'' Calum replied annoyed. I looked over at Ashton. Normally he was the one always laughing at silly jokes like that, but today, he stayed silent. Not even a smile escaped those lips. I knew something was up. Michael and Calum made small talk while I tried to get Ashton's attention. After a while, he finally looked up. His eyes were bloodshot which were highlighted by the heavy bags underneath. God, he looked so helpless. I glared at him. He knew what I was getting at. He nodded his head slightly and continued to pick at his half-eaten roll.

'' I've forgotten my wallet'' I said truthfully feeling my empty pockets. '' Ashton, could you trum me back up to the hotel room to find it?''

'' Ok'' Ashton mumbled standing up.

''Don't be too long, we need to go to the recording studio soon'' Michael replied looking at his watch.

''We won't'' I replied walking away followed by Ashton.

''Luke...'' Calum shouted across the room a few moments later. '' Your hair is fine.''

I opened the hotel room door, walked in while Ashton followed. I slammed the door then locked it. Ashton stood in the small hallway shocked.

''Take the jumper off'' I demanded standing opposite him looking into his emerald green eyes.

''What? No! I'm not taking the jumper off!'' Ashton shouted as he began to walk away. I grabbed his wrist which made him jump and make a high-pitched squealing noise. Without giving Ashton time to say anything, I pulled his sleeve up. There, on his arm was 10 perfectly parallel cuts engraved into his skin. The skin around them was bright red with the cuts themselves being dark red. They looked pretty deep.

'' Ashton... Why?'' I asked releasing his arm and going to sit on the bed.

'' I'm sorry Luke.'' Ashton mumbled as he sat beside me.

''You never answered my question.'' I stated arrogantly.

"There's not enough time. We need to get back to Michael and Calum." Ashton replied reaching to grab my wallet of the table before handing it to me.

"Fine. We still have a couple of minutes." I said pocketing my wallet. "Why did you not talk to us about it? Was it us that caused you to cut yourself?"

"No! Of course not! I just didn't want you to panic or make a fuss over it."

"Ashton, you cut your own skin! It isn't just some little thing. This is a huge thing that we have to sort out before it gets worse." I exclaimed. Why did he not understand? Did he not care? "Tonight, Michael, Calum, yourself and I are going to sit down and resolve this whether you like it or not."

*Ashton's POV*

The walk back down the the restaurant was painfully quiet with unusual tension.

"Are you both ready to leave now?" Luke asked cautiously with his voice wobbling. I could tell he was thinking about the whole situation and getting upset over it. That's what Luke does. He always thinks way to much.

"Are you alright, Luke?' Calum asked standing up.

"Yeah, I'm fine, why wouldn't I be?" Luke answered making a fast recovery.

"Hm alright." Calum replied suspiciously.

The taxi arrived to take us to the recording studio. I sat down first while Michael sat next to me. Luke took one look at Michael then politely asked if he could sit next to me.

"Jesus, what is going on between yous two?" Michael asked moving to sit beside Calum.

"This morning you both were your usual hyper selves but now, I don't know what's happened." Calum added.

"I'll explain later. When we are back at the hotel room." I quickly said before anyone could say anymore. Luke nodded his head in agreement. Michael and Calum looked at eachother.

"Is...Is Lashton real?" Calum asked tenesly.

"No!" Luke shouted. "Ashton will explain later."


*Authors notes*

Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed it! What's going to be the reason for Ashton's actions? How is Calum and Michael going to react? All will be revealed in the next chapter!

What do you think of this chapter? Please comment any errors or things that could be better for future improvements :)

Thank you so much again! Ilysm x ~L

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