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If I could just find the time

Then I would never let another day go by

I'm over getting old

Maybe it's not my weekend but it's gonna be my year

And I'm so sick of watching while the minutes

pass as I go nowhere

And this is my reaction to everything I fear

'Cause I've been going crazy, I don't wanna

waste another minute here

I make believe that I impress

That every word, by design, turns a head

I wanna feel reckless, wanna live it up just because

I wanna feel weightless 'cause that would be enough

Weightless/All Time Low


*Luke's POV*

I really couldn't believe it. Ashton being in hospital, fighting for his life.  I wanted to forget about it all. For one night at least. Not that I don't care, I just don't want to know. If you get what I mean. It hurts way too much. It was now 1:15am so the streetrs were fairly quiet. Seeing as I had turned 18 a couple of months ago, I could finally go and get drunk. So guess what I did.

I entered the atmosphere of the dark bar. A few people looked up at my entrance and nodded towards me. I took a empty high seat at the bar. The bar tender soon came and took my order.

''Hey son, what can I get you?'' He asked with a British accent.

'' Emm I'll have a whiskey. With added vodka''

'' Can I see your ID please? and are you sure? That's going to be pretty strong.'' The bartender asked. I pulled my passport out of my pocket and showed him.

'' Ahhh from Sydney, are you? What are you doing here?'' He asked while making my drink up.

'' I'm in a band and we are recording and touring. Well we were until... Ashton.''

'' Ah right I see. That will be six dollars and 70 cents sir.'' The guy asked giving me my drink. I handed over the change and began to drink. With one tiny sip my throat began to burn. I took a bigger sip every time until it became mouthfulls. Within a few minutes I had drink it all. I could already feel my mind getting looser. Mayswelll order another one.

'' EXCUSE ME SIR, I'LL HAVE ANOTHER WHISKEY AND VODKA PLEASEEEEE'' I shouted across the bar. The guy handed me the drink and yet again, within a few minutes it was gone. My mind was completly blank. I had forgotten everything.


After that I can't remember anything till the next morning. Apart from the walk home. I stumbled along the streets like I was weightless trying to find my way back to our hotel. As I turned a corner getting very lost, I saw Ashton. He stood about 20 meters infont of me, still in the hospital gown.

'' A-Ash- Ashton?!'' I said with my speech slurred. He never said anything apart from hold his hand out for me. I ran as fast as

I could despite being extremely drunk to catch up with him but he began running aswell. As I got closer, I realised Ashton had no colour. He was in different shades of black and white. Had he died? Or am I just going crazy? Ashton took me through loads of different streets but all I paid attention to was him. And when you are drunk, it is hard to walk; nevermind run. And trying to focus on something that blends into the night is hard enough when you are sober. Ashton began to slow down as we reached a hotel. He pointed at the entrance, nodded his head then disappeared. He lead me to our hotel. But where did he go?

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