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Ashton's POV

3 months later

We're back in Australia now. We all decided it would be beneficial for us all to take a 6 month break so we can all recover. I'm saying 'us all' because Calum and Michael were still affected by everything that went on so management advised they went to a talking therapy thing. I'm not really sure what they do but they both seem to be much happier and less tense.

As for Luke and I, we are both going through the same course of intense therapy. The therapist is also teaching us how we can help each other when things get rough.

I've had many hospital appointments just to make sure my brain is still working and my wounds are healing nicely. They are healing, almost fully healed actually. Every time I see them I just want to burst into tears. It reminds me of that dark night in the allyway, the crimson blood running down the rough path, Luke's screams. I don't want to be reminded. There's 10 red scars on each of my forearms. I never knew glass could do so much damage. I can easily see how I was in a coma. I'm surprised I never died actually. I'm going to have to wear long sleeves for a very long time.  My therapist mentioned they could do a skin graft. By doing this they'd remove skin from my leg and put that on my arm where the scars are. I'm not sure about that because I'd be left with rectangular scars and I'm not sure about having leg skin on my arm. I have plenty of time to think about it though, because they have to wait at least a year after the incident before they can perform a skin graft.

Overall, I am feeling much better. I still have bad days but doesn't everyone? I meet up with the boys everyday. Sometimes we go to the cinema or other times we just chill back in Michael's garage. It's so much different in his garage now.  It used to be our main practicing place and performing stage for youtube videos. And now, 3 years on we are back. Different atmosphere from an arena. 

Our break so far has been 3 months. I can't wait to get back on stage. I feel as if I am ready. We haven't told the fans what actually happened. We said I had an appendicitis then decided to take 6 months of to allow me to recover and write new songs. We have wrote a few songs and they are all sounding epic. I can't wait to play them.

I've stopped self harming completely now. Suicidal thoughts don't exist anymore. I'm on a roller coaster that only goes up, my friend.

Luke's POV

Australia is such a different atmosphere from the UK. Not just because Australia is really warm but everything seems calmer and safer. I think that could be because it's my home country. Ashton is doing so much better. I'm so proud of him for managing to battle on. A lot of people after that night would of given up, but not our Ash.

I'm also doing great; improving steadily everyday. We have therapy once a week now and our therapist is talking about discharging us. I'm just worried that it will be too soon for Ashton. He is doing great, but I sometimes catch him deep in thought about something. His mum has told me she sometimes hears him crying throughout the night.  Ashton doesn't know I know that though. I guess what has happened isn't just going to leave him straight away. Maybe they won't even leave him at all. As long as he moves on from it that's all we need.

I've stopped self harming aswell. I let Ashton read my journal. I felt bad because I made him cry. Now, we share the same journal. I read his entrys and he reads mine. It's basically a diary but we are too masculine to own a diary.

We took a short break from the band till everything returns to normal. Ashton wants to tell the fans what really happened. I think it would be a good idea. After all, they are family. I want to tell them about myself as well. I don't want to keep to many secrets from them. Yes, we will get horrendous hate from people, but if they support our music we still class them as part if our family.

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