Chapter 26 - "Broken homes and rattled bones"

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Most of this chapter will be purely point of views. Mainly Gino's. Read carefully to avoid confusion with flashbacks and the present.
Readers discretion advised for this chapter, certain things may upset some readers.


"When the one who should of protected you, was the one that harmed you - those who understand need no explanation, for those who don't understand explanation is impossible.." - R.S Reid.


Gino's story.

I get in my car, I don't look back at her not once. Even though I need to. I cant I hurt her once again with words.

I can never be good for her. Never. I never stick to one place for long but, I need this job. Its the best-paid work ive had before.. Which means I have to be around her longer.
One day soon though we will have to say goodbye. It's better this way.. I'm too close already. I have to stop before it gets deeper..

I know that I need to do today. Something I've been putting off for a while.

I drive until I reach the street. My hands gripping into the steering wheel, glints of sweat appearing on my forehead. I'm not ready for this, but it needs to be done.

I put my phone and wallet into my back pockets, grab my keys and get out of the car.

Looking at this house now..
I see memories.
Good memories. The day Mom brought home, Dominic.
Bad memories. The night mom stayed in hospital after having Dominic.
I shake my head, shaking the thoughts away and walk towards the door.

I knock.

Leah answers.

"About time. Come in.."

I walk inside and my feet glue to the very spot I reach once I step inside.

My childhood home.
Nothings changed.
Everything looks the same.
Everything smells the same.
Yet everything feels different.
Then I realise..
I've changed.

"Baby is that you?"

I take a deepbreathe.

I hear her weak voice.

Not so sure I'm ready for this.. I feel like running out the door and not looking back.

But I don't.

My legs feel like jelly. Like they're gonna give way at any second..
I make my way into the sitting room. She's lay in a bed, in the same spot where our couch used to be.

"Mom.." I whisper.

"Baby.. Come here.."

I walk over slowly. I can't believe how different she looks.
Old, grey, yellow skin..
The woman struggling to move herself to get a better look at me doesn't look like the same woman that used to clean my bloody knees up and buy me ice creams on Saturdays.
She looks like death.

"Come and sit by me Gino, tell me about her.."



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