Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Yvette and Jesse were up early talking about how they will break the news to the girls. They both were worried about how they would take the news. Yvette was scared because she knew that she had limited time left with her girls. All she could think was how to make this the best part of their lives ever. Yvette was in so much pain and unable to find it today, she was throwing-up when NeNe walked in, she was about to ask a question. Mommy, what's the matter you okay? Why are you throwing-up so much this morning? Mommy is you and dad having another baby or something? Mommy, you're scaring me, what's the matter? NeNe would stop asking questions long enough for Yvette to answer her. She just sat there watching her oldest child panic with tears in her eyes. Yvette placed her hand on NeNe knee to help her calm down. Yvette was unable to speak right now because of all the throwing-up she was doing. Yvette was also in lots of pain; her body was shutting down fast. All the treatments were no longer working, and she was coming more and more scared. All Yvette knew was that she had to tell her daughters the truth and fast. NeNe baby, please calm down finally Yvette stated to her daughter. I'm okay just a little sick that all. I need you to calm down, please. Go downstairs and let your father know what's happening. Then we will be back down to talk with you and your sister; please baby go, please say, Yvette. Yvette was holding back her tears so that NeNe would follow her instructions. She was so worried about telling the girls; now that NeNe saw her so sick things could no longer be hidden from her daughters.

Jesse came running to Yvette side; he was just as worried about telling the girls as Yvette was. Jesse felt terrified about losing his best friend, soul mate, his beautiful wife. Jesse was unable to hold back his tears and worry for his wife. She was becoming weaker by the day and tell had to inform the girls right away.

Yvette baby what can I do for you? Jesse please I need to lie down, but first, we have to talk with the girls and right now. I'm so weak don't know how much more I have left. Yvette, please don't talk like that, things will turn around remember what the doctor said last week. This new medication should start working soon. Jesse love I'm not so sure the doctor was right. I feel so much worse than before, and it's becoming harder for me to breathe. Okay, Vett we'll talk with the girls now. I'll let them know to come up here so that we can talk as a family. Okay, Jess can you just come straight back up here; after we speak with the girls, we need to go to the hospital said, Yvette. I don't feel well today. Okay, Vett I'll be right back with NeNe and Kim. Love you Jess; Love you right back Vett.

Jesse, NeNe & Kim went upstairs so that Yvette can fill the girls in; NeNe was already worried after seeing her mother so sick this morning. She was thinking made she was pregnant and lost the baby, or maybe she is just having a hard time carrying. She was never thinking her mother was dying. Kim was completely lost just knew that was serious for them to have to go upstairs. They typically sit in the back of the diner to talk and family business. Kim had no idea what she was going to hear, but she was thinking positive so that her parents wouldn't worry about her. Kim knew that she would have to take care of the family because NeNe was too soft when things got hard.

Jesse sat beside Yvette holding her hand as she lay on the bed. Yvette was so weak that Jesse was not sure if she was still awake. Vett baby is you woke; the girls are here with me so that we can talk with them. Baby, do you hear me? Yvette opened her eyes and smiled when she saw her beautiful family faces. She was weak today and just wanted to sleep the pain away. She looked around at each face, but when she looked at Kimberly's face, she started crying. Kim had no idea what to do or why her mother was crying so much. Her mind began to race, and she knew this was something wrong. Kim knew her mother was sick and that bad news was about to follow. All she could do was smile at her mother to try and ease her pain.

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