Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Chuck was back at the hospital after making sure that NeNe and Mike opened the Diner. He knew Kim would want something to eat and her morning coffee. When Chuck walked into his son's room, he found them both still asleep; he sat at Chase's bedside and held his son's hands. Chuck was really worried about his family at this point and knew something had to be done about this problem. When he looked up again, he noticed Kim smiling at him,

Good morning Kimmy, Good morning, Chuck. How was our strongman last night? Well he slept good, the doctor came to get on him and he was talking with them last night. They told me he was doing much better than they expected because of the type of surgery. Well, they don't know our children are brave and strong; nothing will be able to stop them. Hey, Chuck but what about his training? They told me that he might not be able to train anymore because of his injuries. Chuck, he will be so upset if he is unable to train with Joyce anymore, what will we tell him? Kimmy, we have strong children and these are people talking. All we have to do is wait to see what our son would like to do. Okay, Babe, we'll wait to see what he wants to do. Hey, mommy & dad, what are you guys talking about over there? Oh, baby boy good morning, how are you feeling? Well, mommy, my head is killing me, and I want some food, please? Okay, son, I'll get the doctors, wait, Chuck, you stay here, and I'll go. Spend time with your son.

As Kim walked out of her son's room, she saw Uncle Devin coming down the hallway. She was s happy to see her uncle/dad that she just broke down crying in his arms. All he did was hold his niece and allowed her to get it out, he knew this was killing her deep down inside, and she always had to remain strong for her family. Kim cried for about 5 minutes and was feeling better with each tear that dropped, she could no longer hold her pain inside and was so happy that her uncle was there to hold her. Kim missed her father and wished he was here to help ease her pain.

Uncle Devin, why so much bad stuff happens to our family? We're good people and only want the best for our family and the good people around us. Why do so many people want us to hurt all the fucking time? Well, Kimberly, some people can never stand to see others happy because they are miserable themselves. You hold on baby girl things will turn around, you had so many wonderful years without the stress that it will come back around again. You must continue to pray and ask ALLAH to remove anyone that doesn't belong and keep all that do. Kimberly, I have always told you and Chuck that when you pray together, all things are possible; you must start to believe that for yourself before things start to change. Thank you, Uncle Devin, you always know what to say to make me feel better. Chase is doing wonderful, and he wants food, so I'm going to ask the doctors if he can eat solid food yet. Terrell is in there with him now; they're doing the father-son thing.

I don't know how that works, but they do it all the time. Then when I come back around, they are like two big ass babies. Both Devin and Kim laughed at her comment. They both knew that Chuck loved his family, and his son was his world. Chuck always took Chase with him everywhere he went and made sure that his son was safe. Devin knew this was killing Chuck just as much because he had to sit still and allow the police to handle this problem. Chuck was up all night talking with Uncle Devin about how he wanted to burn down houses for his son having to experience this horrible problem so young.

Chuck's biggest fear was that his son would not be the same; Devin gave him the same talk at 3 o'clock this morning. They talked until Chuck was able to fall asleep. Kim kissed her uncle on the cheek and walked down the hallway to the nurse's station. Uncle Devin went to Chase's room to make sure his great-nephew was okay. Kim knew they needed father and son time together, so after talking with the nurse, she went outside for some fresh air and text Chuck to let him know that Chase was able to eat, so she called and order him something from the Diner. As Kim was hanging up her cell phone, another call came in, and it was NeNe. Kim checked the time, and since it was already 1 o'clock, shit, she forgot about NeNe baby appointment this afternoon.

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