Chapter Ten

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The answer was yes.

Kellin was angry, and even now, a few days later, I don't know why. I think it was something Oli told him, it put him on edge. When I got too close, he snapped. He yelled at me, Mike coming out of his room shortly after to see what was unfolding. I didn't see him, he hid behind a corner to keep out of my line of vision, but Kellin saw him and became angry about that. He yelled at Mike, and Mike isn't one to sit around and be stepped on.

Mike snapped right back. They were both so full of anger and hatred, and I didn't know what to do at all. I sat there, watching them yell about something I thought was behind us all. Mike accused Kellin of running off to go get high, something he was sure of without any solid proof. He noticed the way Kellin had changed, as did I, but I never once thought it was drugs. This apparently was a surprise to Kellin as well, as he screamed right back about how Mike was the one "doing dumb shit".

I didn't know if siding with either of them was a good idea, but I highly doubted (and still do) that it would have made much of a difference if I spoke up on behalf of one of them. I know Mike was trying to defend me, knowing I wouldn't stand up for myself in the slightest, but I couldn't attack Kellin. I don't think he was doing anything as bad as drugs, but something sketchy was surely happening under my nose.

I stayed quiet as they said what they needed to, until Kellin angrily turned to me and just spat out the last thing I wanted to hear. "I think we need a break, Vic." I saw the way Mike clenched his fists and took a sharp breath, to that I replied by giving him a warning look. I looked back to Kellin and just stared at him, wondering what could possibly be running through his head. I did everything for him. I gave him a place to live, I took care of his daughter, gave him someone to love -- yet he seemed to forget about all of that as he huffed out an angry breath and walked away from the situation.

He went upstairs to our room and I turned to Mike instead of following. "Mike, what the hell were you thinking?" He scoffed.

"What was I doing? I was standing up for you, Vic."

"This is none of your concern. It has nothing to do with you," I replied, crossing my arms over my chest and willing myself to stop feeling everything that I was at the time.

"Really? Because you and I both know you weren't ever going to say anything about the way he's been acting," Mike continued angrily. "Apparently I need to look out for you because you can't seem to manage to be with anyone that has your best interest in mind. Kellin isn't any better than--"

"Mike." I stopped him there, not wanting to hear whatever else he had to add onto that. "You don't know what you're talking about. Just...stop." Mike groaned and continued to stare daggers into me.

"I don't know what I'm talking about? Fuck, Vic. This isn't new to me. I don't want to see it happen again. If you're not gonna do anything, then I will." Mike stormed off as well, leaving me alone in the living room.

I crept over to the couch and let out a deep sigh as I sat down. What am I going to do?

• • •

I had felt it coming from a mile away. Bad things were coming, and the breakup was practically the calm before the storm. I feel as though Kellin is more distant than before, which I suppose is a bit more reasonable now, but it still stings like a bitch and leaves me wondering why I even bother trying to stick around. He already left my heart feeling sore, telling me that we shouldn't be together anymore, and now he's just dousing it with salt. I almost hate him.

Of course, that wasn't the worst of it. Why would it be? Bad things never come and go, they're always a whole storm of bad luck that hits at once, like a tornado taking down city after city. Kellin came home in a fit one day, nearly chucking his phone into the television out of sheer anger. He turned to me and I recoiled slightly, knowing he wouldn't hurt me but still fearing for my wellbeing. He didn't say anything angrily or yell at me or anything like that; his eyes clouded up with tears and he pulled me close to him in a tight hug, burying his face in the crook of my neck. "Kellin, wha--"

"It's not fucking fair, Vic!" he whined, wetting my shirt with a mixture of tears and saliva. He was gripping me tightly, like I was the rock in a flood and he had no choice but to cling to me for dear life. It terrified me. "It's not fair," he repeated quietly.

"What isn't fair?" I questioned, running a hand through the back of his hair and hoping he wouldn't mind. I felt his nails digging into my back. "Kellin," I attempted to calm him down by whispering his name; "what isn't fair?"

"It's Katelynne. She-- she w-wants to take C-Copeland away from u-us." He threw his face right back into my neck and only dug his nails farther into my skin.

"Why would she want to do that?"

"I didn't want to talk to her, Vic! I was scared. I just-- I just didn't know what to do," he rambles in a mumble, barely audible through the way he's shoving his mouth against me. "She-- she said I'm a terrible father, that I don't d-deserve Copeland." He paused and nearly screamed into my neck, the sound being quieted by the material of my shirt. "She said s-she's gonna fight for f-full c-custody."

That was when I knew something had to change.

sorry for the short chapter. I feel evil (:<

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