Bella's POV
The next day I went to Biology class and Harry wasn't there.
It's not that I was upset, I was just kinda disappointed. He was talking to me and then he's just gone.
Then the next day, there he was, sitting on his lab chair waiting for me. I sit next to him and he smiles. "Hey." He said. I look at him as he remembers and pulls out a piece of paper and writes, then passes it to me.
H: sorry I wasn't here yesterday :(
I look up at him, then respond to the note as the late bell rang.
B: it's okay
H: I was at home, not feeling well
B: sorry
H: thanks, but I'm fine. What are you doing for halloween?
B: passing out candy
H: aww why? That's no fun
B: don't really have anything else to do
H: oh. So are you ready for the quiz 2morrow
B: I think I study too much
H: haha so that's a yes
B: yes. How about you?
H: I'm prepared
I don't get a chance to reply because Mr. Neil has to make an announcement.
"Class! Listen up!" He says. I look up to the front of the room. "On December 1st we are having a field trip to Kew Gardens in London. Which is where London's biggest greenhouse is located!" The teacher says excitedly.
"You must have a passing grade to attend and a form with money will be due next Tuesday if your interested. Any Questions?" While kids asked questions I wrote back to Harry's note.
B: you gonna go?
H: I will if you do
I don't respond, only with looking at him with a smile and a nod. Next thing I know the bell rings and me and Harry both lift from our seats. I smile at him one last time and he walks with me out the door before he says bye. "Bye, I'll see you later," he said and I waved bye.
The smile wouldn't rip off my face for the next 20 minuets. I went to my last class of the day and did all my work happily. And when the day was finally over I drove home with a spark of joy in me. I got home and my mom was sitting at the table on her laptop. She had her reading glasses on and looked into the computer with a death stare. I ignored her and went up to my room. My mom is so annoying. She disappears for a day then comes home as if nothing happened. And she doesn't even care about me. She wouldn't even notice if I got kidnapped.
I throw my bag on the floor and lay in my bed.
Harry's POV
On my way to my car all I could think of was Bella. She was so quiet and distant and I would find out why. She seems really nice. And she's really pretty, like really. I know a lot of people think she's a freak, but she isn't. And I know she doesn't have any friends. And I don't think that was right. Even before I met her, I tok one look at her and thought she was the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. Then my schedule changed because some kid moved and they needed to fill up some smaller classes. And I finally got a chance to talk to her.
But then I forgot she doesn't talk.
So I decided to write notes. And maybe if we come closer friends, she'll start talking again. I don't know why I'm so interested in her, but I am. I want to know her for some reason, right when I saw her. Then in the art room I noticed her barge in and she looked stunning. I couldn't keep my eyes off her, while some other kids where laughingly at her. And that's what made me mad the most, no wonder she doesn't talk, they're assholes. And I'm not letting that happen any longer.
"Harry!" I look to my left and saw Arron and his friends, smoking on a joint by his car. Great. I hate Arron with a passion. Him and his friends think they rule the school. I have my own friends, but we aren't duches like them.
"Yeah?" I say one I'm about two feet from them.
"We're having a halloween party next Friday, you should come. I already invited Niall, Louis, Liam, and Zayn."
"On halloween?" I asked him
"Yeah, got anything else to do?" Ben chuckled then taking drag of the joint between his fingers.
"Uhh, pass out candy?" I say in a kind of question. I really don't know what I was doing, but I didn't want to go to his party.
"Haha. Nice one." Arron laughs
"Umm maybe I'll make it." I say awkwardly
"Alright, see ya harry!" They say and start to go in their cars. I nod and return to my car then get the hell away from that school.
I definitely didn't want to go to their party. All they'll do is smoke weed, drink and be idiots. As fun as that sounds I don't want to do that on halloween. I hate smoking. I have athsma so it feels like I'm dying and it just makes me sound gross. And don't get me started with drinking. It's the worst. After drinking I wake up and puke and feel like shit. It sucks and for what? Nothing really. It just gets annoying now because I've been to his parties and you feel horrible in the morning. So I guess I'll be sitting on halloween.
Or I could hang out with some friends. But really, all of them will be at the party. I have friends, but we aren't assholes like Arron and we are just normal. We aren't losers nor poplar, but people like us and invite us to parties and stuff.
Great. I guess I will be passing out candy...
Or, I could ask Bella to dinner or something. Yeah! That's what I could do. I could ask her out to Ice cream or a small diner, nothing big. And just maybe she'll say yes. But I'm not sure she knows me well enough. I could wait a few days and hang out with her at lunch or something, if only I knew where she sat at lunch. I know she doesn't sit at the lunch room. I would see her. She stands out, trust me in a good way.
I'm sure she doesn't want to pass out candy on halloween. I'll ask her out to dinner, and just maybe she'll say yes.

Quiet- Harry Styles fan fiction
FanfictionAll I knew was that she was too distant, and way to quiet. And I would find out why....