Bella POV
On Monday Harry picked me up as always, as nothing happened. I tried all weekend to not overthink things, and trust me I had to distract myself for hours. But when I got into his car I had nothing to distract myself with. He looked like he always does, handsome and beautiful. His hair was done to perfection like always. I needed to stop staring at him.
"H-Hey." I greet, breaking the silence.
"Look, Bella, I'm really sorry about Friday. But we had fun and we can just forget about the kiss thing. I don't want things to be weird for us." He said
"Y-Yea. And I did have fun on Friday, no ones ever done something like that for me."
"That's hard to believe." He teased, I blushed then punched his shoulder playfully.
"Stop that." I giggled
"Hey! Don't injure the driver" he said containing the laugh in his voice.
"Whatever just drive." I said sitting back in my seat. I already felt better and relived that Harry was so chill and amazing. He's literally perfect at everything and isn't dramatic about anything, kinda like me. Maybe that's why we get along so well. We drove to school joking around and acting like ourselves again. Back to normal, no distractions for me, everything is cleared up now. He always made me feel better even if it was as something stupid as one of his lame jokes or if it was a hug or a kiss on the forehead, they all made my day better. But when we park in the lot in the school something felt weird. Every eye that saw our car stared for a long time then laughed. And it was more eyes than usual. I think Harry noticed too because his eyebrows were furrowed in confusion. But when he looked at me he just smiled and acted normal.
"Come on," he said hopping out of his car, me following behind quickly. I walked by his side into the building getting weird looks from people. Why were they starring at us? It was giving me anxiety.
"Hey I'll walk you to your locker." Harry said and I nodded my head. We ventured down a few hallways getting more and more wired looks. When I got to my hallway there where more people than usual in it. And they were all by my locker? What the hell was going on? I pushed a few people out of the way to see what all the fuss was about. And when I saw it my mouth dropped. Written on my locker, in red spray-paint was the word "SLUT"
Why would someone do that? Was it because of Harry?
"Harry said you tried to make out with him on Friday! And he rejected you!" Someone from Arron's group said.
"Yeah and he still gives you a ride to school because you can't even afford a working car!" People laughed at me and all I saw the word 'slut' written on my locker. I felt a tear roll down my cheek and I rushed away, running. I push people out of the way, shoving and getting away from this abuse.
Why would Harry tell people I tried to kiss him? And why would he say I was poor? Was I wrong about him, is he not the sweet and perfect guy I know? Is he using me like everyone else? Why would he make that up? He's the one who tried to kiss me, and I rejected him. But did he really thing I couldn't afford a working car? I'm stopped by someone trapping their hands around my wrist. I looked up my eyes seeing Harry, and more tears fell on my face.
"Bella, don't listen to them-"
"Your a liar." I whispered lowly to him, making his features fall "your just like all of them!" I yelled making some people laugh and gasp hearing my voice. I couldn't care less I've never felt more used in my life. "I opened up to you and you used me!" I cried and snatched my hand back from him and ran away. I barged into a bathroom seeing a few girls there, and they laughed. I stormed in a stall in the back and heard the bell ring and everyone leave the bathroom. I sat down on the dirty floor and put my head in my hands. I couldn't handle this. I talked to him and told him things I would never tell anyone else. He made me feel happy and special, could he really do that to me? Spend all that time with me and all those days sitting with my by my tree. Was it just to make everything believable?
I cried in my hands, never feeling this betrayed in my life. I hear the bathroom door open and I crawl up in a little ball in the corner, my knees up to my chin and my arms wrapping around my legs. I looked down at my dirty converse and another tear left my eye. I never felt more empty sitting in this corner. I sniffle wiping my eyes.
"Bella?" It was Harry. What the hell was he doing in here? Did he think I wanted to talk to him? I didn't answer. "Bella please." I see his shoes under the door of the stall I was in. His hand banged on the door in defeat and he slid down and sat on the floor with his back facing me. "Please believe me, I don't want to loose you." He said
"W-Why would you tell them those things?" I said as my voice broke into a cry. I sniffled again.
"I didn't!" He said loudly "I wouldn't do that to you Bell." I cried harder at his voice and how I felt like I couldn't fully trust him like I had before.
"Then how would they get all that information harry?! How would they know we where together on Friday?!" I said and let out another cry.
"I don't know, I'm still trying to know that myself. Please just listen to me when I say I wouldn't do that to you or anyone ever. I'm not like that. I really do care about you, and hate seeing you like this, I-I hate the way people treat you. It's not fair."
I didn't respond I just let cries escape my mouth. I didn't know what to say, he just always made me speechless "Please stop crying, it's killing me to hear you upset a-and I can't do anything about it." He said. I didn't do anything, I just sat there leaning against the pale walls in the bathroom. "Please let me in." He pleaded. But I didn't respond, I closed my eyes. Then I open them and hear him getting up from his spot on the floor. "I can't be in here, but I swear I'm not going to loose you bell." He said then I hear his footsteps walk away and then the door open and close. He's gone. And for some reason all I want is him.
I wait a few minuets and get up. I look in the mirror and don't even bother with my appearance. I leave the bathroom and head to the doors to leave the school. I could live one day skipping. The school knows my moms a drunk and a minor so they'll probably guess I was sick or something. I'm about to leave, almost to the door when I'm pulled away. It was Arron. What the actual fuck? Does he seriously have to wait around just to harass me?
"So you think you go to the bathroom and try to fuck harry there?" He said pushing me against a wall. Where are all the teachers, shouldn't they be around here somewhere? Nonetheless I felt scared as shit. I was all alone. I shook my head no. Why would I ever try and 'fuck' Harry in the bathroom? Was he insane?
"Your such a whore." He snickered. I had just about enough with this duchebag, he had done enough to me to hurt me and I was sick of it. So I pulled away from his grip and slapped him in the face running off. I wanted to laugh, but I was pretty terrified that he would run after me and kill me or something. So I left the school and realized I didn't have a car. I groaned and kept walking. I guess I will be walking home.
I walked on the sidewalk with my back on my shoulder from this morning. I walked on the side of the street for twenty minuets and finally saw my neighborhood. I walked until my feet hurt and until I got to my house. I unlocked it to an empty home. It felt like forever since I saw my mom. But really I had just seen her last night passed out on the couch. She just doesn't bother to communicate with me and she gets mad when I don't talk to her. What does she expect? She's never here and she isn't a good mom to me anymore. She just gave up.
I sighed reaching my room and throwing my bag on the floor. I grabbed one of my dads old shirts and changed into it, leaving me with undergarments and his shirt. I crawled into my bed and snuggled under my duvet.
I was asleep until dark, and then was disturbed by a tapping at the window.

Quiet- Harry Styles fan fiction
FanfictionAll I knew was that she was too distant, and way to quiet. And I would find out why....