Chapter 7

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Harry's POV

The next day I was a little devastated because I wasn't able to eat lunch in the courtyard. But do get to spend some time with the boys. I wasn't too devastated, only because I was still so happy for Halloween. She said yes. That's really all I've read of our questions so far. I was too busy with work yesterday that I got home and slept right away. And I plan on reading every single thing when I get home today.

I thought of the questions she wrote me. She asked me about my family, if I had a brother or sister. She also asked me what music I liked and what I want to be when I grow up. All of her questions where simple all except for one which confused me. She asked me, and I quote, "why are you making a big effort to know me? I don't even talk.".

I barely knew how to answer but I had to. And when I did answer it I had put " I'm a very curious man". Hopefully that would make her laugh. I knew that wasn't a honest answer at all. I wanted to ask her why she would think that.

"Harry?" I look up from my seat at lunch.

"What?" I say moving my attention to Niall.

"Are you alive?" Liam chuckles making them laugh. I'm confused.

"What?" I say again

"Where have you been? You haven't been at lunch for two days," Niall's says

"And today your not even talking to us." Liam adds

"Yeah, what's going on?" Louis adds too

"I- I don't know." I answer scratching the back of my neck, looking at them with nervous eyes. I can't tell them about Bella. They'll judge. I know it. And it fucking sucks to know that my best friends would laugh at a girl I'm hanging out with.

"Harry, why won't you just tell us what's wrong?" Zayn says taking a gulp of his soda. I look at all of them with a straight and worried face.

"G-Guys nothing's wrong." I say trying to sound somewhat believable

"Harry. Your not convincing at all." Liam says

"Yeah, I mean, come on. We are like your brothers, you can tell us." Louis says

I shake my head, frustrated, they just don't understand. I don't want them to judge her just like everyone else. They are close to me, but I don't think I can handle them laughing. It pisses me off just hearing about how she has to deal with the assholes at our school. And for what? Why does it bother them that she doesn't talk? It shouldn't bother them. And I don't want to hear it from my best friends.

"You wouldn't understand." I mumble looking down.

"What? Of course we would harry!" Louis says

"No. You guys just- I can't tell you. You'll laugh."

"What?" Zayn says.

They all exchange strange looks at each other.

"Harry your acting so off." Liam says looking at me in concern.

"Just tell us mate."

"Yeah, there's nothing we can't handle."

"I've just met a girl, okay?" I say to them

"A girl?" Niall says

"Why would that be a big deal?" Zayn says confused. But they don't know the most of it.

"Because you guys just wouldn't aprove." I say in a kind of rude manner.

"Harry of course we would-" I cut Louis off getting angry and confused at them and myself. But mostly myself.

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